Machine learning for particle physics using R
Andrew John Lowe
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Introduction: about this talk
- I'm shamelessly recycling slides that I presented at a data science conference in Budapest two weeks ago, so what follows will contain little (if any) physics
- As this is the inaugaral meeting of the LHC machine learning WG, let's start with the absolute basics: tools
- I'll talk about how using R has made it easier for me to ask more complex questions from my data than I would have been able to otherwise
- I'm not advocating that everyone should switch to R
- Hopefully this talk will be complementary to discussions of ROOTR and RMVA
- Recognise that when you chose a specific analysis tool or framework, you are making a choice that invariably involves some kind of trade-off
- Not always obvious what this compromise is
- Do you have the right tool for the job?
When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
- Generally a good idea to have some familiarity with more than one data analysis tool
- What analysis tools should our students learn?
- Given that PhD \(\neq\) academic career, what knowledge of tools would provide a good RoI and best equip students with the technical skills they need in a job outside HEP?
- What is available to particle physicists?
- For experimental particle physics, ROOT is the ubiquitous data analysis tool, and has been for the last 20 years old
- Command language: CINT ("interpreted C++") or Python
- Small data: work interactively or run macros
- Big data: compile with ROOT libraries, run on Grid
- Data format optimised for large data sets
- Complex algorithms are difficult to do interactively
- End up writing huge C++ programs
- Lots of tweaking, endless edit-compile-run loops
- The best choice for prototyping new methods?
See Highlights and Analysis of the Answers to the ROOT Users' Survey, "ROOT Turns 20" Users' Workshop, 15-18 September 2015, Saas-Fee, Switzerland
What happened outside HEP in the past 20 years?
On C++ and data analysis
- Is C++ a good choice for data analysis?
- Spend days coding something that runs in minutes or
- Write something in a couple of hours that will run during your lunch break?
- Which will get you your answer faster? What strategy will help you define where you should be focusing your efforts and which paths lead to dead-ends?
Larry Wall, creator of Perl (speaking about differences in the number of lines of code needed to accomplish the same task using different languages):
You can eat a one-pound stake, or a 100 pounds of shoe leather, and you feel a greater sense of accomplishment after the shoe leather, but maybe there's some downsides...
What I want in my tool box:
What ROOT provides
There are positives and negatives here...
Why did I choose R?
- Chief among those were the need for fast prototyping and high-level abstractions that let me concentrate on what I wanted to achieve, rather than on the mechanics and the highly-granular details of how I might do it
- Incredibly easy to express what I want to achieve
- Exponentially-growing number of add-on packages
- Latest machine learning algorithms are available
- About 2 million R users worldwide\(^*\); technical questions are answered extremely quickly (if not already)
- Not as fast as C++, but my goal is to quickly test new ideas rather than implement a final model
- Beautiful plots
- Fun to work with ☺
Downsides to using R?
- Can be very slow
- Base R is single-threaded
- Unlikely to do a full HEP analysis with all the data in R!
- But fine for looking at small chunks of data
- Avoid for loops
- Your data has to fit into RAM
- But not always strictly true
Revolution R Enterprise provides the RevoScaleR package and XDF file format for Big Data
- enables users to import data via a reference to an object in a distributed key-value store
- Other packages: ff, bigmemory...
Getting ROOT data into R
# Open and load ROOT tree:
rt <- openRootChain("TreeName", "FileName")
N <- nEntries(rt) # number of rows of data
# Names of branches:
branches <- RootTreeToR::getNames(rt)
# Read in a subset of branches (varsList), M rows:
df <- toR(rt, varsList, nEntries=M)
- Recently became aware of ROOTR, and I look forward to playing with that in the very near future
Getting and cleaning data in R
data.table is extremely useful here:
fread found to be at least twice as fast as other methods I tried for importing my data
- Helps me clean and filter my data and is super-fast, especially when using keys:
setkey(DT, numTracks) # Set number of particle tracks to be the key
DT <- DT[!.(1)] # Remove all single-track jets
DT[, (bad.cols) := NULL] # Remove junk columns
digest is also useful for removing duplicate columns by fast comparison of hashes:
duplicate.columns <- names(DT)[duplicated(lapply(DT, digest))]
DT[, (duplicate.columns) := NULL]
knitr and R Markdown used everywhere to document process; broke workflow into chunks, one R Markdown file for each, saving intermediate results along the way
More data munging
- To give me some extra space in RAM to work I used SOAR (stored object caches for R):
Sys.setenv(R_LOCAL_CACHE = "soar_cache")
Store(DT) # data.table now stored as RData file on disk and out of RAM
caret also provides some useful data-munging; I could reduce the size of my data by more than 50% with a conservative cut on correlations between features:
highly.correlated <- findCorrelation(
cor(DT[,-ncol(DT), with = FALSE], method = "pearson"),
cutoff = 0.95, names = TRUE)
- Removing duplicate and highly correlated features was critical for enabling my data to fit in RAM
- To preserve interpretability, I prefer to choose which features to retain instead of letting caret pick features that might have less explanatory value
Feature ranking & selection
- How should we find the features that provide the best discrimination between the processes or physics entities that we wish to classify?
- Given a newly-proposed discriminant variable, how can we rank this new variable against those we already know?
- We can use domain knowledge to drill down to what are believed to be the best discriminants; observables that:
- Can explain most of the variance in the data
- Are minimally correlated with each other
- Provide the best predictive power
- How to optimally search the feature space? (Manual inspection may be impractical for a large feature set)
Problems of too many features
Or: why don't we throw everything into a boosted decision tree or neural net and hope for the best?
- Correlated features can skew prediction
- Irrelevant features (not correlated to class variable) cause unnecessary blowup of the model space
- Irrelevant features can drown the information provided by informative features in noise
- Irrelevant features in a model reduce its explanatory value
- Training may be slower and more computationally expensive
- Increased risk of overfitting
Redundant & irrelevant features
What should we do when it is likely that the data contains many redundant or irrelevant features?
Redundant features are those which provide no more information than the currently selected features
Irrelevant features provide no useful information in any context
Feature selection methods
Several methods in R for feature ranking and selection:
- Iteratively remove features shown by a statistical test to be less relevant than random probes: the Boruta algorithm\(^*\)
- Rank by information gain (Kullback–Leibler divergence)\(^\dagger\) or Gini impurity
Correlation Feature Selection (CFS)\(^\dagger\)
Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE, Backwards Selection)\(^\ddagger\)
Simulated annealing\(^\ddagger\)
Genetic algorithms\(^\ddagger\)
- Many classifiers will output variable importance
Tried all of these with varying levels of success
- Speed of some methods limits their utility somewhat
* Boruta, \(\dagger\) FSelector, \(\ddagger\) caret
The basic principle, in a nutshell:
- Boruta algorithm is a wrapper built around the random forest classification algorithm
- Random forests are an ensemble learning method for classification (and regression) that operate by stochastically growing a forest of decision trees; each tree is grown in such a way that at each split only a random subset of all features is considered
- The importance measure of an attribute is obtained as the loss of classification accuracy caused by the random permutation of feature values between objects
- It is computed separately for all trees in the forest which use a given feature for classification
- Then the average and standard deviation of the accuracy loss are computed
- Claims to be robust against "selection bias"\(^*\)
* Selection bias in gene extraction on the basis of microarray gene-expression data, Christophe Ambroise and Geoffrey J. McLachlan, PNAS vol. 99, No. 10 (2002)
Information gain
- Information gain is based on the concept of entropy from information theory and is commonly used to decide which features to use when growing a decision tree
Entropy = - \sum_{i}{p_i}{\log_{2}}{p_i}
- In machine learning, this concept can be used to define a preferred sequence of attributes to investigate to most rapidly classify an item
- Such a sequence is called a decision tree
- At each level, the feature with the highest information gain is chosen
- An alternative measure of "node impurity" commonly used in decision tree learning is the Gini impurity:
\[1 - \sum_{i}{p_i}^2\]
Recursive Feature Elimination
- First, the algorithm fits the model to all predictors
- I used a random forest for the model
- Each predictor is ranked using its importance to the model
- Let \(S\) be a sequence of ordered numbers which are candidate values for the number of predictors to retain (\(S_1\) \(>\) \(S_2\), \(\dots\))
- At each iteration of feature selection, the \(S_i\) top ranked predictors are retained, the model is refit and performance is assessed
- The value of \(S_i\) with the best performance is determined and the top \(S_i\) predictors are used to fit the final model
- To minimise the possibility of selection bias, I performed k-fold cross-validation during training with ten folds
Correlation Feature Selection
The Correlation Feature Selection (CFS) measure evaluates subsets of features on the basis of the following hypothesis: "Good feature subsets contain features highly correlated with the classification, yet uncorrelated to each other"
The following equation gives the merit of a feature subset \(S\) consisting of \(k\) features:
Merit_{S_{k}} = \frac{k\overline{r_{cf}}}{\sqrt{k+k(k-1)\overline{r_{ff}}}}
- where \(\overline{r_{cf}}\) is the average value of all feature-classification correlations, and \(\overline{r_{ff}}\) is the average value of all feature-feature correlations. These variables are referred to as correlations, but are not necessarily Pearson's correlation coefficient or Spearman's \(\rho\).
- It's often said that 80% of data analysis is spent on data munging\(^*\) \(-\) this has certainly been true in my case
- However, I've found a good set of tools for streamlining this process; I've shared what I found most useful here
- To the best of my knowledge, nobody has tried to do a particle physics analysis entirely in R before
- Problems with large data, but workarounds exist
- Insights gained will be valuable for helping me decide where to direct my efforts later when building a final model
- I didn't have to spend time writing a ton of code or worrying about dangling pointers, etc.
R lets me focus on achieving the goals of my analysis
* Exploratory Data Mining and Data Cleaning, Dasu T, Johnson T (2003), John Wiley & Sons
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