On Github wrozka / ppppp-legacy
Pawel Pierzchala @zwrozka
We work with legacy code daily
We create legacy code daily
What is legacy code?
How to cope with legacy code?
How to find it?
How to test it?
How to fix it?
Or how to change spaghetti into ravioli?
and add unit tests as you go
Start with naming the conditions
if roll % 2 != 0 @won = true end
winning_roll = roll % 2 != 0 if winning_roll @won = true end
Extract methods
50.times do |i| @pop_questions.push "Pop Question #{i}" @science_questions.push "Science Question #{i}" @sports_questions.push "Sports Question #{i}" end
def create_question(category, number) "#{category} Question #{number}" end 50.times do |i| @pop_questions.push create_question("Pop", i) @science_questions.push create_question("Science", i) @sports_questions.push create_question("Sports", i) end
Observe patterns
Similar prefixes?
Probably an object
puts "#{current_player_name} has #{current_player_purse} coins"
class Player < Struct.new(:name, :purse) end puts "#{current_player.name} has #{current_player.purse} coins"
Similar lists of arguments?
Probably an object
def is_winning?(purse, place) def score(purse, place) def has_won(name, purse, place)
class Player < Struct.new(:name, :purse, :place) def is_winning?(player) def score(player) def has_won(player)
Avoid nightmare of integration
Don't create feature branch
Red Green Refactor?
Utility for renaming episodes
renamer.rb Seinfeld test result
renamer should accept its output files as input
Create an e2e test and speed it up with VCR