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Automated Test Generation for applications and production machines in a Model-based Testing approach.
Automated Test Generation for applications and production machines in a Model-based Testing approach.
Automated Test Generation for applications and production machines in a Model-based Testing approach.
Based on a software, running in aproduction environment, would it possible to:
extract a knowledge base that can be formalized by a model that can be used to generate tests and/or specifications?Michelin has many applications spread at different levels:
These levels can exchange data among them.
Focus on Level 2 applications but, then again,there are a lot of differences between them, such as:
From a Level 2 perspective, the best way to create an agnostic knowledge base is to use a black-box approach.
The idea is to monitor a running application, and to record incoming/outgoing data. That is what we call traces.
The second step is to leverage these traces in order to create a Formal Model.
A formal model of a system is a mathematical model of it, at some chosen level of abstraction.
Its purpose is to permit precise understanding, specification, and analysis of the system.
It is possible to verify the system's properties in a more thorough fashion than empirical testing.
The metamodels used by most formal methods are often limited in order to enhance provability.
An expert system can produce a model from given traces.
In Artificial Intelligence (AI), an expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert. Designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, and not by following the procedure of a developer as is the case in conventional programming.
An expert system can own a set of inference rules.
First-order predicate calculus is a way to write these rules.
Once we obtain a decent model, we can use it to generate tests and specifications.
Only functional tests will be generated.
A formal model gives us the ability to test the robustness of the applications as well as their conformance.
No real answer yet, some ideas though:
It is the same thing but... different.
The need for an overview of the job.
Detecting potential issues before building the real things.
HTTP Archive (HAR), an archival format for HTTP transactions that are captured by HTTP sniffers.
It is possible to either record traces in a web browser, or create a proxy that records all the traffic (not yet done).
This behaves exactly like the black-box approach described before. Also, HTTP traces are understandable by a domain expert, and easily usable.
{ "request": { "method": "GET", "url": "https://github.com/", "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1", "headers": [], "queryString": [], "cookies": [] }, "response": { "status": 200, "statusText": "OK", "headers": [], "cookies": [], "content": {} } }
First, we have to remove noise from the set of traces as everything is recorded, but not always relevant.
Well, not so formal by now...
IF "request.method" IS POST AND "request.data" CONTAINS A USERNAME AND "request.data" CONTAINS A PASSWORD AND "previous_request" WAS A LOGIN PAGE THEN // this is a login step ENDIF
First-Order Logic: AND, OR, NOT
Thanks to this inference rule, the two "steps" highlighted in red are combined into a single one named Login.
This model shows a real, and meaningful user scenario.
This model allows us to generate code, however more rules have to be defined in order to produce assertions.
A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
In testing, it is used to check a property in a test method:
class RepoTest { [Test] public void TestStatusIsUnknownByDefault() { Repo repository = new Repo(); Assert.That(repository.Status, Is.EqualTo(Status.Unknown)); } }
namespace Generated; class MyTest extends FunctionalTestCase { public function test0() { $crawler = $this->cli->request('GET', 'https://github.com/'); $response = $this->cli->getResponse(); // assertions here } }
At this time, it is only possible to retrieve scenarios.
Retrieving use cases may be possible by using a combination of inference rules and language recognition.
This has not been explored though.
William Durand - PhD student at Michelin/LIMOS