吴梦圆 / @小雪-Joanna Women Techmaker@Shanghai 2016.03.26主页 / Github / Douban / @小雪-Joanna
#rectangle { width: 200px; height: 100px; } #circle { width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50px; }
/* property name | duration | timing function | delay */ transition: margin-left 4s ease-in-out 1s;
.hand { width:34px; height:34px; border-radius: 34px; transform: scaleY(0.6); }
.hand { transition: 0.3s ease-out; } /* status 1 */ .hand { transform: scaleY(0.6); } /* status 2 */ .password .hand { transform: translateX(42px) translateY(-15px) scale(0.7); }
.arm { background-image:url; transform: scaleY(0.6); } .arm.arm-r { transform: scaleX(-1); }
.arm { transition: 0.3s ease-out; } /* status 1 */ .arm { transform: scaleY(0.6); } /* status 2 */ .password .arm { transform: translateY(-40px) translateX(40px); }
/* @keyframes duration | timing-function | delay | iteration-count | direction | fill-mode | play-state | name */ animation: 3s ease-in 1s 2 reverse both paused slidein;
@keyframes <identifier> { [ [ from | to | <percentage> ] [, from | to | <percentage> ]* block ]* }
.hands { animation: spin 0.5s steps(5) infinite; background: url(sprite_spinner-hands.png); } /* steps(5) only 5 keyframes happen in 0.5s. */ @keyframes spin { 0% { background-position: 0 0 } 100% { background-position: 0 -1015px } }
.face { animation: pfft 1s steps(1) 1 8s, haha 0.5s steps(2, end) 11s 10, oops 10s steps(1) 16s 1; } @keyframes pfft { 0% { background-position: 0 0 } 100% { background-position: 0 -121px } } @keyframes haha { 0% { background-position: 0 -243px } 100% { background-position: 0 -486px } } @keyframes oops { 0% { background-position: 0 -486px } 100% { background-position: 0 -607px } }
1. clip-path to draw the wall (chrome only)
2. CSS transitions to slowly move the scenery
3. Hover states for the two walls (and the "game over" screen)