On Github ukmadlz / paymill-hack-presentation
Created by Mike Elsmore / @ukmadlz
PAYMILL is a easy to integrate payment service for:
This means that businesses and users:
For us as developers
Create and account at http://bit.ly/1adI9J7
Grab your API keys from My Account > Settings > API Keys
If you haven't already got an account and played with PAYMILL go register.
It's quick, free and ready to go the the moment you fill in the basics.
Once your all signed up, go into the dashboard and retrieve the all important API keys, as nothing is possible without them
The first step to taking a payment is get a transaction token
The token is used as the root of all the transactions you can do, from payment through to refund
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" ></script> <form action="path/To/ExampleScript.php" method="post"> <script id="button" src="https://button.paymill.com/v1/" data-label="Pay with CreditCard" data-title="Buy our product" data-description="It's a great product" data-submit-button="Pay 2.50 GBP" data-amount="250" data-currency="GBP" data-public-key=PUBLIC_KEY data-elv="true" // Only for ELV payments data-lang="en-GB" // Optional language Code > </script> </form>
Example at http://bit.ly/18Ieclm
The fastest way is to drop in the above code and you now have a premade form.
Listen for the "token" event
<script> $( "#button" ).on( "token", function( event, token ) { // do something useful with the token }); </script>
You then submit the form and wait for the "token" event, which returns the TOKEN: tok_
And there you have a premade form with associated button with click event that you can use the token with
Build a form
<form id="payment-form" action="#" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" value="500" /><!--Value--> <input type="hidden" value="GBP" /><!--Currency--> <div class="form-row"><label>Card number</label><!--Card Number--> <input class="card-number" type="text" size="20" /></div> <div class="form-row"><label>CVC</label><!--CVC Number--> <input class="card-cvc" type="text" size="4" /></div> <div class="form-row"><label>Name</label><!--Card Holders Name--> <input class="card-holdername" type="text" size="4" /></div> <div class="form-row"><label>Expiry date (MM/YYYY)</label> <!--Card Expiry (Month)--> <input class="card-expiry-month" type="text" size="2" /> <span>/</span> <!--Card Expiry (Year)--> <input class="card-expiry-year" type="text" size="4" /></div> <button class="submit-button" type="submit">Submit</button> </form>
You put together a form with the basic elements for a card payment
Optional variables included are
You add the JS bridge
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var PAYMILL_PUBLIC_KEY = PUBLIC_KEY; </script> <script src="https://bridge.paymill.com/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> // Card Number paymill.validateCardNumber($('card-number').val()); // Card Expiry paymill.validateExpiry( $('card-expiry-month').val(), $('card-expiry-year').val()); </script>
You add the JS Bridge with your Public Key, which will give you access to the PAYMILL functions
You can then validate all the inputs using the PAYMILL methods
Retrive the token
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#payment-form").submit(function(event) { $('.submit-button').attr("disabled", "disabled"); // Deactivate submit paymill.createToken({ number: $('.card-number').val(), exp_month: $('.card-expiry-month').val(), exp_year: $('.card-expiry-year').val(), cvc: $('.card-cvc').val(), amount_int: $('.card-amount-int').val(), currency: $('.card-currency').val(), cardholder: $('.card-holdername').val() }, PaymillResponseHandler); return false; }); }); </script>
You don't have to use jQuery to accomplish this, it's just here for ease
So you don't create too many keys with someone being click happy, disable the "submit" key
After that you send the parameters to the PAYMILL API via the paymill.createToken() function
Handle the token
<script type="text/javascript"> function PaymillResponseHandler(error, result) { if (error) { // Shows the error above the form $(".payment-errors").text(error.apierror); $(".submit-button").removeAttr("disabled"); } else { var form = $("#payment-form"); // Output token var token = result.token; // Insert token into form in order to submit to server form.append(""); } } </script>
And just like with the PayButton we retrive the token
However when using the bridge directly we are returned an json object which always has to options
One is always null, so it is easy to find a success or the correct error code for the transaction
You can interact and do all this yourself
You can choose to interact with the system yourself. Either using an existing wrapper library
Or making your own and connecting to the API endpoints
Previous hacks, people have wrote wrappers in languages we don't user…yet
Once we get our token
Once we get our token we can complete the second step of the process
The libraries or endpoints found http://bit.ly/17NNSXg
curl https://api.paymill.com/v2/transactions \ -u PRIVATE_SECRET_KEY: \ -d "amount=250" \ -d "currency=GBP" \ -d "description=Test Transaction" -d "token=TOKEN"
if ( isset( $_POST['paymillToken']) ) { $token = $_POST['paymillToken']; require 'lib/Services/Paymill/Transactions.php'; $transactionsObject = new Services_Paymill_Transactions( '<PRIVATE_API_KEY | PRIVATE_TEST_KEY>', 'https://api.paymill.com/v2/'); $params = array( 'amount' => '250', // E.g. "250" for 2.50 EUR! 'currency' => 'GBP', // ISO 4217 'token' => $token, 'description' => 'Test Transaction' ); $transaction = $transactionsObject->create($params); if ( isset( $transaction['status'] ) && ( $transaction['status'] == 'closed') ) { echo '<strong>transaction successful!</strong>'; } }
Now we have the token we can throw it into either of the cURL or the PHP scripts and complete
Execute example:
curl https://api.paymill.com/v2/transactions \ -u a1324a5e9dc66956f809bf328da6bc1f: \ -d "amount=250" \ -d "currency=GBP" \ -d "description=Test Transaction" -d "token=TOKEN"
The processes is simple
As well as single point transactions, with a little modification to the send/return data you can do subscriptions
Also, to support the RESTful API that handles everything we have:
If you need help, or want to ask more you can get me on