On Github tszewcow / it_survival_angular_lecture
Marek Matczak, Jarosław Fuczko, Tomasz Szewców
// define a module without dependencies angular.module('moduleName', []); // define a module with dependencies angular.module('moduleName', ['dependency1', 'dependency2']); // retrieve a module angular.module('moduleName');
<!--Bootstrap application--> <div ng-app="moduleName"></div>
angular.module('moduleName').controller('SomeController', function($scope, someService){ 'use strict'; // add something to injected $scope $scope.data = {}; // call injected service method someService.someMethod(); };
angular.module('someModule').controller('MyFirstController', function($scope){ 'use strict'; $scope.helloWorld = 'hello world!'; alert($scope.helloWorld); });
<!--use controller in the dialog template with the ng-controller directive --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <section data-ng-controller="MyFirstController"> <h2>Hello from Dialog A!</h2> </section> </body> </html>
angular.module('someModule').controller('MyFirstController', function($scope){ 'use strict'; var cntl = this; this.helloWorld = 'hello world!'; alert(this.helloWorld); });
<!--use controller in the dialog template with the ng-controller directive --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <section data-ng-controller="MyFirstController as cntl"> <h2>Hello from Dialog A!</h2> <span>{{cntl.helloWorld}}</span> </section> </body> </html>
angular.module('someModule').service('myService', function(){ 'use strict'; this.print = function(){ alert('hello world from a service'); }; });
angular.module('someModule').factory('myService2', function(){ 'use strict'; var helloWorld = 'hello world from a service2'; return { print: function(){ alert(helloWorld); } }; });
<form name="myForm" novalidate=""> <input name="firstName" ng-model="user.firstName"> <input name="lastName" ng-model="user.lastName"> <input name="email" ng-model="user.email"> <button ng-click="submit()">Submit</button> </form>
myForm: { //form name fistName:{}, //input name lastName:{}, //input name email:{} //input name }
myForm: { //form name $dirty: false, $pristine: true, //dirty or pristine $valid: false, $invalid: true, //valid or invalid fistName: { //input name $dirty: false, $pristine: true, //dirty or pristine $valid: false, $invalid: true, //valid or invalid $error: { //validation for field required: true, //required validation minlength: false //minlength validation } }, email: {} //input name }
Branch with fallback solution when exercise 1 not done: step-2-first-controller
Branch with fallback solution when exercise 2 not done: step-3-forms
// Simple GET request example: $http({ method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl' }).then(function successCallback(response) { // this callback will be called asynchronously // when the response is available }, function errorCallback(response) { // called asynchronously if an error occurs // or server returns response with an error status. }); // shortcut methods $http.get('/someUrl', config).then(successCallback, errorCallback); $http.post('/someUrl', data, config).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
Branch with fallback solution when exercise 3 not done: step-4-edit-modal
Branch with fallback solution after exercise 4:
describe('A suite', function() { it('contains spec with an expectation', function() { expect(true).toBe(true); }); });
// install Karma npm install karma
// install plugins npm install karma-jasmine npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher npm install karma-chrome-launcher
// run Karma ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start / init / run // alternative npm install -g karma-cli karma start / init / run
// can be created with karma init command module.exports = function (config) { config.set({ basePath: '', frameworks: [], files: [], hostname: 'localhost', port: 9876, autoWatch: false, browsers: [], singleRun: false, }) }; // for debugging in a browser: // - set single run to true // - select other browser
describe('SampleCntl tests', function() { 'use strict'; var $scope; beforeEach(module('someModule')); beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope){ $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $controller('SampleCntl', {$scope: $scope}); })); describe('some suite', function() { it('some spec', function() { // given // when $scope.someMethod(); // then }); }); });
describe('SampleCntl tests', function() { 'use strict'; var cntl; beforeEach(module('someModule')); beforeEach(inject(function($controller){ cntl = $controller('SampleCntl', {}); })); describe('some suite', function() { it('some spec', function() { // given // when cntl.someMethod(); // then }); }); });
// sample controller code angular.module('someModule').controller('SomeCntl', function($scope, $location){ 'use strict'; $scope.goToDialog = function(path){ $location.path(path); } }); // test code var $scope, locationMock = { path: angular.noop }; beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope){ $scope = $rootScope.$new(); // injection of mocked $location service $controller('SomeCntl', {$scope: $scope, $location: locationMock}); }));
describe('data service tests', function () { 'use strict'; var someDataService; beforeEach(module('app')); beforeEach(inject(function (_someDataService_) { someDataService = _someDataService_; })); describe('get data method', function () { it('should return data', function () { // given var data = []; // when data = someDataService.getData(); // then expect(data.length).toEqual(10); }); }); });
// sample service code angular.module('someModule').factory('serviceUnderTests', function('otherService'){ 'use strict'; var data = []; return { getData: function(){ angular.copy(otherService.getData(), data); }, getCurrent: function(){ return data; } }; }); // test code var otherServiceMock = {getData: function(){return [1,2,3]}}; var serviceUnderTests; beforeEach(function(){ module('someModule'); module(function($provide){ // injecting other service with $provide service $provide.value('otherService', otherServiceMock); ); }); beforeEach(function(_serviceUnderTests_){ serviceUnderTests = _serviceUnderTests_; });
var booksData, $httpBackend; beforeEach(inject(function (_booksData_, _$httpBackend_) { booksData = _booksData_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; })); afterEach(function () { // then $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); }); it('should load books', function () { // given var searchParams = {title: 'title', author: 'author'}, books = [], response = [ {id: 0, title: 'title1'}, {id: 1, title: 'title2'} ]; $httpBackend.expectGET('/books-management/books-list/books.json?author=author&title=title').respond(response); // when booksData.getBooks(searchParams).then(function (response) { books = response.data; }); $httpBackend.flush(); // then expect(books).toEqual(response); });
Fallback branches for exercies 5 and 6: