# CSS-Only Tabs
_Are just plain cool, and you should use them_
George Mauer - gmauer@gmail.com
@togakangaroo - [http://georgemauer.net](http://georgemauer.net)
## Pros
* Zero javascript, super low overhead
* Declarative, no bugs
* Zero Hacks
## Cons
* Can't pre-empt navigation
* Everything must be on the page, no hooks
* If using a js library that hijacks urls you need [a slightly different technique](http://jsbin.com/yuhidon/1/edit?html,css,output)
* IE11(ish) support for flexbox
No Hacks
# Questions?
George Mauer - gmauer@gmail.com
@togakangaroo - [http://georgemauer.net](http://georgemauer.net)
[Read more about this in detail](http://georgemauer.net/2016/07/15/css-only-tabs.html)