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A comprehensive look at representing physical quantities in Python (talk at SciPy 2013)

On Github tbekolay / scipy2013-quantities

A comprehensive look at representing physical quantities in Python

Trevor Bekolay University of Waterloo

Hi, I'm Trevor Bekolay You can follow along with this talk at this URL I want to talk to you about quantities Introduced in python-neo It was good Why aren't they more common?

35.0 m/s

78.2928 mph

What is a physical quantity? Magnitude + units = quantity These two quantities are the same How can you treat them the same in your code?


Famous Mars Climate Orbiter example Crashed into the surface of Mars because of force units (pounds vs Newtons) * Tracking units is important!


There are lots of packages out there Most common feedback I received: "Did you get x package?"


I couldn't get all of them working But we still have 12 Why 12? Different use cases?


  • Making a quantities package is easy
  • Making a good quantities package is hard



class Quantity(object):
    def __init__(self, magnitude, unit):


class Quantity(numpy.ndarray):
    def __new__(cls, ...):
To clarify about implementation, this is what I mean If you want pure speed and dimensional analysis check out numericalunits * Or check it out anyway, it's neat

Wrapping functions

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

CA0 = 1 * u.mol / u.L
CA = 0.01 * u.mol / u.L
k = 1.0 / u.s

def func(t):
    return CA - CA0 * np.exp(-k * t)

tguess = 4 * u.s
print fsolve(func, tguess)
from scipy.optimize import fsolve as _fsolve

def fsolve(func, t0):
    # units on initial guess, normalized
    tU = t0 / float(t0)
    def wrapped_func(t):
        return float(func(t * tU))

    sol, = _fsolve(wrapped_func, t0)
    return sol * tU

Thanks John! (

xkcd on standards There are lots of use cases This comic is maybe why there are so many packages * Let's avoid making our own for now
Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunumImplementation LOC First release Most recent release PyPI Container 3448 2013-01 2013-05 astropy Container 403 2010-07 2010-07 Container 1900 2008-08 2008-08 Container 640 2011-10 2013-03 Container 483 2010-05 2010-05 magnitude Unique! 270 2012-07 2013-06 numericalunits Container 2914 2012-07 2013-05 pint Subclass 5888 2008-05 2008-05 piquant Subclass 7030 2009-10 2011-09 quantities Subclass 4488 2009-03 2013-03 scimath Container 486 2005-12 2012-10 Container 778 2000 2010-06 unum
First, let's get to know these libraries Take some of these things with a grain of salt, but sometimes good to know

What should I use?


What should I use, given my use case I've quantified/codified this in this repository (and this talk) Please add your own use cases Maybe there will always be a best choice (fingers crossed)

My use case

  • Time-series data
  • Not mixing units often
  • Transparent, except errors
My needs are pretty minimal I mainly am manipulating time-series data * I just want to be able to write code such that it works whether my time-scale is seconds, milliseconds, whatever

My criteria

NumPy compatibility Simple syntax Low overhead So, these are my criteria We'll go into more detail soon


Creating a quantity

Multiply magnitude by unit
length = 5.0 * q.meter
Quantity constructor with unit argument (string or unit)
length = q.Quantity(5.0, units='meter')
length = q.Quantity(5.0, units=q.meter)
Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunummake print multiply 5.0 m constructor Q(5.0, 'm') multiply 5.0 m constructor 5 m constructor 5.0000 m multiply 10.1663291883 multiply 5.0 meter multiply 5.0 m multiply 5.0 m constructor 5.0 constructor 5.0 m multiply 5.0 [m]


NumPy magnitudes

length = np.ones((3, 3)) * q.meter

length = q.Quantity(np.ones((3, 3)),
length = q.Quantity(np.ones((3, 3)),
Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunumprint shape [ 5. 10.] m Q([5.0, 10.0], 'm') [ 5. 10.] meter (2,) [5.0, 10.0] [ 5. 10.] m (2,) [ 5. 10.] (2,) [5.0, 10.0] m [5.0, 10.0] [m]

Python operators

  • Unary (e.g., -length)
  • Binary (e.g., length * other_length)
    • length and other_length have same units
    • length and other_length have compatible units
    • length and other_length have different units
Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunumabs neg pos

Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunumadd div eq floordiv ge gt le lt mod mul ne pow sub truediv
Binary operators, same units

Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunumadd div eq floordiv ge gt le lt mod mul ne pow sub truediv
Binary operators, compatible units

Nameastropy.unitsdimensions.pydimpyipython-physicsmagnitudenumericalunitspintpiquantquantitiesscimathSP.PhysicalQuantitiesunumadd div eq floordiv ge gt le lt mod mul ne pow sub truediv
Binary operators, different units



What should I use now?

  • For me, quantities



Funnel development to one package
  • Should be easy to wrap a function
Make a fully wrapped version of NumPy
  • import numpy_quantities as np
Implement units support in NumPy

So what should you use? For my use case, quantities works Plus I have to use it But I'm more convinced now that it's a good idea