Going off grid
…a little bit
Chris Elsmore & Steve Pike
@elsmorian & @stringfellow
EMF Camp 2012
Camping, Making, Hacking, Fire & Club Mate!
Good low power DC Photovoltaic test bed
Parts & cost
- B-grade cells - eBay, £40
- Acrylic Offcuts - Homebase, £10
- MDF - B&Q, £15
- Battery - eBay, £80
- Charge Controller - eBay, £30
Sensing and reporting
Arduino & ACS712 Current Sensor
EMF Day 2 - Generated power
It worked!
Charged phones, torches and Macbooks, pumped up airbeds…
.. & Wipeout64
Current status
Water damage..
Worth it?
- Not monetarily or for longevity..
- But could be if sealing wasn't an issue
- Learnt a lot about capabilities In Real Life
- Definitely worth it as it inspired Steve…
Parts & cost
- Biard 100W Monocrystalline PV panel (ebay, £119)
- Numax 110AH Motorhome battery (ebay, £84)
- Victron BlueSolar 5A regulator (ebay, £28)
- Misc wires and stuff (ebay, ≈£30)
Total: ≈£260
- Dodgy wiring - use a crimp and solder!
- Cables too long? MacBook Pro charging bit tricky...
Current status
You're looking at a PV-Python-Pi-powered slide deck!
Router, Pi + Arduino powered by PV :-)
Stuff we've powered
N64, MacBooks, iPhones, iPads, router, Pi, Airbed pump, LED lanterns, UAV battery charger…
@elsmorian | @stringfellow
http://www.elsmorian.com | http://goingoffgrid.tumblr.com