nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server.
Performance, Scalability, Availability, Easy
How to Use?
Nginx configuration is based on Directives!
Use Nginx is to learn how to use Directives!
worker_processes 1; events { use epoll; } http { default_type text/html; server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location /hello { return 200 "hello world"; } } }
How Nginx handle different Request Urls?
Config Different Locations!
location /test { return 200 "test1"; } location ^~ /test/ { return 200 "test2"; } location /test/abc { return 200 "test3"; }
Literal Strings
location = /test { return 200 "test"; }
Regular Expressions
location ^~ /test1 { return 200 "test1"; } location /test2 { return 200 "test2"; } location ~* \.(gif|jpg)$ { return 200 "gif,jpg"; }
Tow thing to known:
server { add_header Kss-Hello Hello; location /test1 { return 200; } location /test2 { add_header Kss-Hello "HelloWorld"; return 200; } }
location /test { set $hello 'hello'; echo $hello; set $hello 'hello world'; echo $hello; }
What the output?
location /test { deny all; return 200; }
Return 200 or 403?
Nginx is Modular, develop a module looks simple!
But is it really the case?
Use lua for nginx development!
Why lua?
Thank you, Agentzh!!!!!!
Now we use openresty to do many things!
location /test { access_by_lua 'auth()'; proxy_pass http://backend; }
Use access_by_lua, we can authenticate whether the request is valid.
If auth successed, proxy_pass can execute.
location /test { content_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/_test1", {args = {a = 1, b = 2}}) local body = res.body local res1 = ngx.location.capture("/_test2", {args = {a = body}}) ngx.say(res1.body) '; } location /_test1 { internal; return 200 "123"; } location /_test2 { internal; return 200 "456"; }
location /test { proxy_pass; }
upstream backend { server; server; } location /test { proxy_pass http://backend; }
location /home { echo "home"; } location /test { echo "test"; } rewrite rewrite ^/home http://$host/test permanent;
location /home { return 301 http://$host/test; } location /test { echo "test"; }
location /test { allow; deny all; echo "Hello World"; } location /test1 { deny all; allow; echo "Hello World"; }