Making Maps @Mapbox
Sean Gillies
Fort Collins Python Web Development Meetup∙July 14, 2014
Hi! Good evening! Thank you very much for coming out to the Meetup.
My name
is Sean Gillies, I work at Mapbox.
I've been in the GIS business since 1999 and I've been a Python programmer
since 2001.
Mapbox is a platform for creating and using maps. That means that it’s
a collection of tools and services that connect together in different ways:
you can draw a map on the website, use it on an iPhone, and get raw data
from an API.
We quite frankly want to win over the users of the Google Maps platform.
This evening I'm going to cover:
- How Mapbox works
- How Mapbox employees work
- What the satellite team is up to
- How we're using Python
So, starting with a look at the products and the company, I'm going to
bend back towards Python :)
How Mapbox works
- Making maps
- Map data
- Using maps
Making maps: overlays
Fundamentally, maps are made up of overlays and baselayers. Overlays are additional data added on top of a map for some particular purpose. An overlay might be a marker with your business location, or something complex like earthquake visualizations. These sit on top of the baselayer - a combination of streets, countries, and terrain or satellite data that give people a basic sense of place.
Making maps: baselayers
The easiest way to make a map is with the editor. You can customize parameters of the baselayer - choosing satellite or terrain, adjusting road or area colors, or changing the language of labels. It also provides a simple interface to draw, style, and import features like markers, lines, and areas.
The editor is great for getting started fast, and has some superpowers over any other way of making maps. With it, you can tweak the baselayer, and instantly, everywhere in the world acquires a new look, on the fly. But sometimes you want more control, or to add more data, and for that, there’s TileMill.
Making maps: tilemill
TileMill is a free desktop application that can import and style data to your heart’s content. It can help you create everything from heatmaps to 3D buildings and custom terrain. You can even export the features you drew on and import them into TileMill for more styling power. And while the editor tops out at 2,000 features and might get slow with complex geometries, TileMill stays super fast.
Generating big maps in TileMill? You might want to check out our upgraded plans for more storage space.
The TileMill approach is not without limitations - unlike the editor, you can’t instantly style a map of the world. If you’re dealing with a large geographical area and high zoom levels, it can take a while to render and will result in big files.
So TileMill is a desktop application - how does it connect to Mapbox? Well, we’ve made it so that it’s easy to upload straight from TileMill to Mapbox and integrate your TileMill maps with your projects.
Mapbox map data
- Streets: OpenStreetMap
- Imagery: DigitalGlobe and other providers
- Common to all customers
Let’s look at Mapbox’s data first. The baselayer that you customize in comes from a variety of sources: the road network comes from OpenStreetMap, while satellite and terrain data are derived from DigitalGlobe and other image providers. We carefully choose and curate our sources to make sure that everything from country borders to the Sahara is accurate.
This week, the data team finished adding buildings in San Francisco to OpenStreetMap. Since January, we have added or updated over 152,022 building polygons based on San Francisco building footprint data and Bing imagery.
The biggest difference between Google Maps and Mapbox isn't size. It's that
Mapbox uses and gives back to OSM.
We're big contributors to OSM.
Edits made to OSM show up in Mapbox data in less than 10 minutes.
Added map data
Next, there’s data you add in or stylize in TileMill. This can be any compatible source you choose - and there are several compatible formats for TileMill as well as for the editor. This should be data that you own or have a right to use. We make sure that you can always download it - either by exporting it from the web interface or keeping it on your local computer.
Local map data
- Not uploaded to Mapbox
- Combined with maps in realtime
- Using API or SDK
There’s a third kind of data: local data. Local data can be combined with your maps in realtime, thanks to the power of our SDKs. This can be anything from dynamic database results to files that users upload. Unlike other kinds of data, this never has to touch Mapbox’s servers because it’s combined with the map in realtime. A good example of this kind of integration is Foursquare, a company that uses Mapbox’s custom maps and overlays their own custom data with custom software.
Using maps on the web
The simplest way of sharing a map is just sending a link: this directs someone to where they can look at your map through a nice little interface. Additionally, you can use embeds, which let you add a map within your existing content, like you would add an image to a blog post.
JS, you say?
Mapbox.js is a great plugin for Leaflet.
And there are a bunch of related plugins for loading and mapping
all kinds of files: CSV, KML, GPX.
BTW, Leaflet's author works at Mapbox.
Using maps on mobile
Native devices call for their own code: so there’s the Mapbox iOS SDK on iOS, MBXMapKit for iOS 7+, and the Mapbox Android SDK for any flavor of Android, including AOSP. Just like Mapbox.js, we build all of these tools as free and open source projects: you can customize them, peek inside, and try them out.
Regardless of how you access Mapbox, whether through an SDK, embeds, or using the core API, you’re building on the Mapbox cloud service, so your custom maps will be available and pixel-perfect.
I'm now going to explain how we work at Mapbox.
It's like a lot of other offices: pizza, cola, and satellite launches.
That's Landsat 8.
From the Washington DC office. We also have an office in SF.
Distributed is how we work
- 30 in Washington, DC
- 15 in San Francisco
- 12 remote: US, Canada, Europe, South America
Including Fort Collins and, very recently, Boulder.
Mapbox's funders, The Foundry Group, are in Boulder, too.
Distributed is really how we work
- GitHub for everything
- for code
- for supplies
- for travel planning
- for business strategy
It feels a lot like working on a bunch of open source projects.
Everybody has at least a couple job descriptions and we rotate around.
Now, flat and open isn't a panacea. In fact, it can be a recipe for abuse
if you're hiring people purely on their ambition and tech pedigrees. So
we try not to be irrationally enthusiastic about lack of managers and
We're also trying to equalize the gender ratio at Mapbox. Being a woman
in tech should be normal, we think.
We do lots of social stuff, too.
We host meetups, hackathons, mapping parties,
sponsor local women's orgs.
We totally enjoy this.
Trolling the establishment is also a small part of what we do at
Python @Mapbox
So, I've been a part of the satellite team. We use a lot of Python.
Mapbox Cloudless Atlas
The Mapbox Satellite Team is making a Cloudless Landsat mosaic of the
This is a base layer for maps created by Mapbox users. Its primary
requirements are to be current and to look good. We'll probably be working
on products that are better for science in the future.
This is the project that drives a lot of Rasterio development.
It has interesting technical problems.
From cloudy scenes
We're making the cloudless atlas from generally cloudy scenes.
The first technical problem is getting the clouds out.
With minimal operator intervention.
- Scene selection (season and cloudiness)
- Atmospheric correction and reflectance normalization
- Score every pixel of every source image
- No cutlines
- Pixel by pixel
Cutlines and other spatial interventions don't scale well.
Cloudless Atlas needs to scale, because we want to run it almost
continually as new data comes in.
Pixel by pixel approaches scale trivially.
They worked very well for MODIS imagery. They won't work for very high
resolution imagery? Will they work for Landsat? At the outset we weren't
High scoring pixels
This is our approach right now: score every pixel and sort the best
ones to the top. The cloudless atlas tiles are formed from the best
Shown here are the "best" by some measure (darkest in this case) pixels
of all the Landsat scenes shown in the previous slide.
Low scoring pixels
These are the worst (brightest) pixels.
Sorting is fairly cheap (no worse than NlogN - N being the number of
input scenes), so this is going to scale
reasonably well.
Earth is a cloudy planet
- 50-70% mean cloud cover over land
- Landsat 8 doesn't yet have cloud-free imagery everywhere
- So we also use Landsat 7
This is the lead in to our second technical problem. We have to use
Landsat 7 because we don't yet have enough L8 coverage to make a
global cloudless mosaic. And Landsat 7 has some problems.
Scan Line Correction
Landsat 7's scan line corrector, which accounts for the forward motion of
the satellite as it scans, failed permanently on May 31, 2003. Imagery
acquired after this time has zig-zaging lines which both overlap and miss
portions of the landscape.
SLC-Off imagery has characteristic no-data strips, increasing in
breadth toward the edges
of the scene. Middles of the scenes can have full coverage.
Landsat SLC-Off Imagery
- Since May 2003
- Without it we don't have enough cloudless pixels
- It complicates things
- A lot
Many regions are cloudy enough that the best pixels are found only in
SLC-Off scenes.
Putting SLC-Off imagery into our declouding pipeline leads to our
second interesting technical problem.
Instead of nodata bands we have bands of seasonal or interannual
It can be
especially noticeable in agricultural regions: manifesting as
alternating strips of vigorous and non-vigorous vegetation (or bare
- Transform the image using a Fast Fourier Transform
- Locate the artifact peaks
- Remove the artifacts
- Transform the image back using an inverse transform
This is our approach to the debanding problem.
Locating the artifact peaks is quite difficult in practice when there are
multiple SLC-off images going in to our product.
Modeling the orientation of the SLC-off gaps helps a lot.
Solving the problems
- We have no off-the-shelf solutions
- Trial and error is involved
Trial and error isn't our only method, but it's an important one. It
has a big impact on our requirements.
Cloudless Atlas Software Requirements
Rapid prototyping and iteration
Proven algorithms and drivers
Ability to deploy to 100s of servers
We need to get new iterations of our algorithms into production
quickly. We need robust numerical libraries. And we need to distribute
the work across many servers. And also know the cost of doing it.
Software stack
- 1 and 3 argue for open source
- 1 argues for a high-level language with handy multi-dimensional array syntax
- 2 argues for LAPACK (&c) and GDAL
- The fit: Linux, Python, Numpy, Scipy
GDAL Python bindings?
- Very C++ style interface
- Failure to keep SWIG and C issues in mind results in crashing programs
- We can do better
The last thing the stack needs is software to read and write geospatial
raster data files like GeoTIFFs.
And reproject them.
GDAL has Python bindings but they are not IMHO production grade.
They have terrible gotchas.
They also feel too much like C++. That's no fun. programming at a higher
level and high productivity are our requirements, remember?
Scipy-style raster data library requirements
Read/write ndarrays from/to data files
Python types, protocols and idioms instead of C/C++ ones
Free programmers from having to think about C/C++ (memory management, pointers, &c)
Rasterio's Design
- A Python package at the top
- Extension modules (using Cython) in the middle
- Fast loops, typed memoryviews, "nogil" blocks
- GDAL shared library on the bottom
Cython takes care of a lot of C extension details for us.
Rasterio uses Cython features like fast loops, typed memoryviews,
and "nogil" blocks.
Reading data
import rasterio
with as src:
bands = [src.read_band(i) for i in src.indexes]
open() gives you a file-like dataset object
read_band() gives you a Numpy ndarray
- Read windows of data with extended slice-like syntax
Rasterio is geared for band-interleaved data.
New read() method coming in 0.9.
Writing data
kwargs = src.meta
with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst:
for i, arr in zip(dst.indexes, bands):
dst.write_band(i, arr)
- Get keyword args needed to open a dataset for writing from another dataset
write_band() takes an ndarray
- You can also write to windows of a dataset
Rasterio is geared for band-interleaved data.
New read() method coming in 0.9.
Rasterio follows the lead of pyproj
>>> import rasterio
>>> src ='rasterio/tests/data/RGB.byte.tif')
{'units': 'm', 'zone': 18, 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'utm', 'no_defs': True}
rasterio.features.shapes() yields all the features of an array as GeoJSON-like objects
rasterio.features.rasterize() "burns" GeoJSON-like objects into an array
- Dicts, iterators, tuples, ndarrays
- No datasets or layers necessary
{'coordinates': [[(71.0, 6.0), ...]], 'type': 'Polygon'}, ...
rasterio.warp.reproject() maps elements of one array to another, using cartographic projections
- No datasets or layers required
- Data created in non-GIS programs can be reprojected for use with GIS programs