## Organizing and Prioritizing
How to organize analytical work and creative work in your day to day
- Pomodoro
- Evernote
- Todo.txt
Tools I use to organize analytical work
## Evernote
### A lazy man's [Getting Things Done](http://lifehacker.com/productivity-101-a-primer-to-the-getting-things-done-1551880955)
- Capture Everything
- Clarify your notes into projects/todos
- Inbox and prioritize
## Pomodoro Technique
Focus on only one task at a time
## Creative Work Can be Organized
- Capture and organize your creative ideas
- Divide creative problems into tasks like a programmer
(A) decide on buttons or links +mapApp
(A) try out grayscale basemap +mapApp
(B) design popups +mapApp
(B) design sidebar +mapApp
(C) new fonts +mapApp
(C) new colors for points +mapApp
(C) new colors for sidebar +mapApp