Amber Hinds
Because copy/pasting content is boring.
Lots of resources for learning.
Open source.
Large collaborative community.
Builds & sells commercial software products.
Works in-house on a single WP website.
Builds/modifies WP websites for clients.
Combination of coding from scratch, modifying someone else's code, and clicking buttons in a CMS.
Check out the "core" files - know what's there...
but don't change it!
With every WordPress update, most of these files get overwritten.
When WordPress updates, your safe zone is:
WP devs build themes and plugins.
Control style only (best practice; not always reality)
Control functionality and (to some degree) style
"posts" = blog posts - content related to one another by category/tags (taxonomies) and by date
"pages" = stand-alone content that may have a hierarchical relationship to one another or none at all - more static
...they are all stored in the same table: wp_posts
Extra details about content is stored in wp_postmeta & is linked by the post id
Create your own as a way of better organizing content...
Mini programs/tools that can be added to repeatable areas of the site - header, footer, sidebars, etc.
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A way of adding macros - code fragments - in the body of a post or page
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Themes live in /wp-content/themes
More than a skin - the front of the website will literally not function without a theme.
Themes control the look of the website and also pull content out of the database.
Themes can be:
Themes contain
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Plugins add functionality or modify functionality of WordPress
Some plugins modify the functionality of other plugins.
Plugins live in wp_content/plugins...and don't even have to be in a directory.
Looking at a basic plugin
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From WordPress
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Building Extensible PluginsTuesday, May 17th @ 6pm