Linking systems

Linking systems

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On Github redlibrarian / hss_linking_pres

Linking systems

  • Systems Overview
  • OpenURL
  • EDS
  • Symphony
  • SFX
  • SFX Menu (GetIt screen)
  • EZ Proxy

Systems Overview

  • Publisher/Database Metadata Record -> EDS -> OpenURL
  • Cataloguing Record (UA or OCLC) -> Symphony -> OpenURL
  • Publisher Metadata Record / UA Cataloguing -> Ex Libris SFX Knowledge Base -> GetIt
  • OpenURL -> GetIt

These systems are linked using the OpenURL standard.


Essentially a URL containing bibliographic metadata and context (e.g. referring page, etc).

NISO 239.88-2004

Example: rft.btitle=The+Far+Side+Gallery+3 genre=article&isbn=&issn=00211427 &title=Irish%20University%20Review:%20a%20journal%20of%20Irish %20Studies&volume=44&issue=2&date=20140922&atitle=%27Trust %20not%20appearances%27%3A%20political%20and%20personal %20betrayal%20in%20James%20Joyce%27s%20Ulysses &aulast=Smyth,%20Gerry&spage=254 &sid=EBSCO:Literature%20Resource%20Center&pid=


  • Get metadata from publishers or database vendors
  • Produces an OpenURL based on the publisher's metadata
  • Publisher metadata is sometimes wrong, but often incomplete.


  • Direct URLs to some resources (e.g. free ejournals, catalogued databases
  • OpenURL populated from the SFX Knowledge Base
  • Automated system (sfx2sirsi)
  • Multiple OpenURLs because single consortial records


  • Gets metadata records from publishers and database vendors.
  • Subscriptions broken up into packages called "targets"
  • Because we can get an ejournal from different publishers/databases/platforms...
  • Journal titles can have multiple subscriptions
  • The subscriptions can have different platforms, and cover different date ranges
  • Takes an OpenURL and figures out which subscriptions are available

GetIt Screen (SFX Menu)

  • Presents each valid subscription, along with URL
  • The URL is *usually* directly to the article, but...
  • ... some platforms only enable linking to the journal
  • If no full-text links present:
  • Links to a catalogue record
  • Links to the ILL form
  • Aggregators pushed to the bottom

EZ Proxy

  • Most publishers use IP authentication
  • A proxy makes one IP address look like another
  • EZ Proxy checks a user's credentials, then sends them to the publisher using a special URL, and a UA IP address
  • Only kicks in when being accessed from an off-campus IP address