Prooph Event Store, Prooph Service-Bus, Prooph Snapshotter, Prooph Event Sourcing, Prooph PSR-7 middleware, Service-Bus ZFC-Rbac Bridge, HumusAmqp, PhpDisruptor
Commands are value objects
Commands do not return anything
final class ChangeUserName { private $userId; private $userName; public function __construct($userId, $userName) { $this->userId = $userId; $this->userName = $userName; } public function userId() { return $this->userId; } public function userName() { return $this->userName; } }
use Prooph\ServiceBus\CommandBus; use Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Router\CommandRouter; $commandBus = new CommandBus(); $router = new CommandRouter(); $router->route(ChangeUserName::class) ->to(ChangeUserNameHandler::class); $commandBus->utilize($router);
$command = new ChangeUsername($userId, $userName); $commandBus->dispatch($command);
final class ChangeUserNameHandler { public function __invoke(ChangeUserName $command) { $user = $this->find($command->userId()); $user->changeUserName($command->userName()); } private function find($userId) { // code } }
Code with intent
Scale reads and writes independent from each other
Code with intent
More boilerplate
Adds complexity
final class Todo extends AggregateRoot { // properties public static function post( $text, UserId $assigneeId, TodoId $todoId ) { $self = new self(); $self->assertText($text); $self->recordThat(TodoWasPosted::byUser( $assigneeId, $text, $todoId, TodoStatus::open() )); return $self; } // more methods }
final class Todo extends AggregateRoot { // ... public function reopenTodo() { if (!$this->status->isDone()) { throw Exception\CannotReopenTodo::notMarkedDone($this); } $this->recordThat(TodoWasReopened::withStatus( $this->todoId, TodoStatus::fromString(TodoStatus::OPEN) )); } }
final class Todo extends AggregateRoot { // ... protected function whenTodoWasPosted(TodoWasPosted $event) { $this->todoId = $event->todoId(); $this->assigneeId = $event->assigneeId(); $this->text = $event->text(); $this->status = $event->todoStatus(); } }
final class Todo extends AggregateRoot { // ... protected function whenTodoWasMarkedAsDone( TodoWasMarkedAsDone $event ) { $this->status = $event->newStatus(); } }
abstract class AggregateRoot { protected $version = 0; protected $recordedEvents = []; protected function recordThat(AggregateChanged $event) { $this->version += 1; $this->recordedEvents[] = $event->withVersion($this->version); $this->apply($event); } // more code }
abstract class AggregateRoot { // ... protected function apply(AggregateChanged $e) { $handler = $this->determineEventHandlerMethodFor($e); if (! method_exists($this, $handler)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( "Missing event handler method %s for aggregate root %s", $handler, get_class($this) )); } $this->{$handler}($e); } // more code }
abstract class AggregateRoot { // ... protected static function reconstituteFromHistory( \Iterator $historyEvents ) { $instance = new static(); $instance->replay($historyEvents); return $instance; } // more code
$streamName = new StreamName('todo'); $events = new ArrayIterator([ $todoWasPosted, $deadlineWasAddedToTodo, $todoWasMarkedAsDone ]); $eventStore->beginTransaction(); $eventStore->create(new Stream($streamName, $events)); $eventStore->commit();
final class TodoProjector { // ... public function onTodoWasPosted(TodoWasPosted $event) { $this->connection->insert(Table::TODO, [ 'id' => $event->todoId()->toString(), 'assignee_id' => $event->assigneeId()->toString(), 'text' => $event->text(), 'status' => $event->todoStatus()->toString() ]); } // more methods }
final class TodoProjector { // ... public function onTodoWasMarkedAsDone(TodoWasMarkedAsDone $event) { $this->connection->update(Table::TODO, [ 'status' => $event->newStatus()->toString() ], [ 'id' => $event->todoId()->toString() ] ); } }
Append only (very fast)
No joins
Complete history
Not really
Overkill for simple CRUD apps