Outreach & Collaboration
As informationists, we combine our education, experience, and passion to provide expert support to users.
- dual degree
- front end & backend experience
- Programming past and current
- library builder, LOVE project management
Intended outcomes include the following:
- Supporting research, teaching, and learning
- Promoting best practice in healthcare and research
- Advancing the profession
- supporting the processes of research as well as providing instruction and instruction support
- Promoting information literacy and EBP
- focus on the medical library profession by being transparent (informationists example)
- various methods of informationist support
- IL - primarily through instructin
- online courses & publishing
- New area. BD2K funding for NGS OERs, future funding & research
- Evalation --determining services
- Assessment- quantifying services
- More details about some methods
METHODS: Teaching and Learning
- Digital learning objects
- Embedded librarians
- Creating course content using OERs
- Targeted instruction
- short videos & tutorials, flipped classroom
- Informationists working in physical and virtual learning spaces
- OERs for greater student success
Instructin around their IL and EBP skills and practices & success in translatin of knowledge (sys revs & patient ed)
METHODS: Teaching and Learning
- IL standards & subject knowledge
- Discipline-specific databases and tools (e.g., PubMed, Dynamed, Yale Mesh Analyzer, and Clinical Trials)
- Programs supporting instruction (e.g., LibGuides, Screencapture software, and LMS backend functioning)
Our T&L knowledgebase relies on staying current in professional standards, educational and university requirements and informed about information sources and technology
METHODS: Research & Scholarship
- Literature reviews and reference management
- Data management principles and depositing guidelines
- Grant and funding support
- Copyright and publishing assistance
- colleagues in research
- Copublishing, use of MOUs
- Rise in need for copyright help
METHODS: Research & Scholarship
- Citation Managers (e.g., EndNote and RefWorks)
- Funding agency requirements and DMPTool
- Outreach methods (e.g., social media, programming)
- Visualization programs (e.g., Cytoscape and R)
- Other programs (e.g., ArcGIS, SPSS)
Many researchers don't know how to reach broader audience. Use of inherent outreach skills as well as use of social media and public information programs to connect Rs with each other and to connect them with an audience
RESULTS: Teaching Example
Service and collaboration through LibGuides
CTRL+W to return to slides. Talk about plagiarism & APA tutorials and Blackboard modules.
RESULTS: Outreach Example
Campus information experts
(CTRL+W to return to slides.) - Request from Uni Communications
- Open API for syndicated content
RESULTS: Data Example
Johns Hopkins awards under $200,000 for 2013-2016. Data retrieved December 2015 from NIH RePORTER.
<a href='#'><img alt='JHU Awards' src='https://public.tableau.com/static/images/PI/PIs_Low_2013-2016/Sheet1/1_rss.png' style='border: none'/></a>
- for fun
- Avg. award per JHU PI from '13-16 is $200K-$2 million.
- Lower tail, many one-time applicants.
- Assistance with data viz and DMPs
- Presentation - reveal.js
- Colors - JHU palatte (brand.jhu.edu/color)
- Background images - snappa.io
Return to start.
Outreach & Collaboration
Peace Ossom Williamson / @123pow