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from trytond.tests.test_tryton import ModuleTestCase class AccountTestCase(ModuleTestCase): 'Test Account module' module = 'account' def suite(): suite = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite() suite.addTests(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase( AccountTestCase)) return suite
from trytond.tests.test_tryton import ModuleTestCase, with_transaction from trytond.pool import Pool from trytond.modules.company.tests import create_company, set_company class ProductPriceListTestCase(ModuleTestCase): 'Test ProductPriceList module' module = 'product_price_list' @with_transaction() def test_price_list(self): 'Test price_list' pool = Pool() Template = pool.get('product.template') Product = pool.get('product.product') Party = pool.get('party.party') Uom = pool.get('product.uom') PriceList = pool.get('product.price_list') company = create_company() with set_company(company): party = Party(name='Customer') party.save() kilogram, = Uom.search([ ('name', '=', 'Kilogram'), ]) gram, = Uom.search([ ('name', '=', 'Gram'), ]) template = Template( name='Test Lot Sequence', list_price=Decimal(10), cost_price=Decimal(5), default_uom=kilogram, ) template.save() product = Product(template=template) product.save() variant = Product(template=template) variant.save() price_list, = PriceList.create([{ 'name': 'Default Price List', 'lines': [('create', [{ 'quantity': 10.0, 'product': variant.id, 'formula': 'unit_price * 0.8', }, { 'quantity': 10.0, 'formula': 'unit_price * 0.9', }, { 'product': variant.id, 'formula': 'unit_price * 1.1', }, { 'formula': 'unit_price', }])], }]) tests = [ (product, 1.0, kilogram, Decimal(10.0)), (product, 1000.0, gram, Decimal(10.0)), (variant, 1.0, kilogram, Decimal(11.0)), (product, 10.0, kilogram, Decimal(9.0)), (product, 10000.0, gram, Decimal(9.0)), (variant, 10.0, kilogram, Decimal(8.0)), (variant, 10000.0, gram, Decimal(8.0)), ] for product, quantity, unit, result in tests: self.assertEqual( price_list.compute(party, product, product.list_price, quantity, unit), result)
from trytond.tests.test_tryton import (doctest_setup, doctest_teardown, doctest_checker) def suite(): suite = trytond.tests.test_tryton.suite() suite.addTests(unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SaleTestCase)) suite.addTests(doctest.DocFileSuite('scenario_sale.rst', setUp=doctest_setup, tearDown=doctest_teardown, encoding='utf-8', optionflags=doctest.REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE, checker=doctest_checker)) return suiteOn new database per scenario Standard doctests (rst files) Build using proteus
Create company:: >>> _ = create_company() >>> company = get_company() Create chart of accounts:: >>> _ = create_chart(company) >>> accounts = get_accounts(company) >>> receivable = accounts['receivable'] >>> revenue = accounts['revenue'] >>> expense = accounts['expense'] >>> account_tax = accounts['tax'] >>> account_cash = accounts['cash']
>>> Invoice = Model.get('account.invoice') >>> invoice = Invoice() >>> invoice.party = party >>> invoice.payment_term = payment_term >>> invoice.lines.new() >>> line.product = product >>> line.quantity = 5 >>> line.unit_price = Decimal('40') >>> invoice.untaxed_amount Decimal('200.00') >>> invoice.tax_amount Decimal('20.00') >>> invoice.total_amount Decimal('220.00') >>> invoice.save()
>>> sale.click('quote') >>> sale.click('confirm') >>> sale.click('process') >>> sale.state u'processing' >>> invoice, = sale.invoices >>> invoice.click('post')
>>> from proteus import Wizard >>> Wizard('ir.module.install_upgrade').execute('upgrade')
>>> from proteus import Wizard >>> credit = Wizard('account.invoice.credit', [invoice]) >>> credit.form.with_refund = True >>> credit.execute('credit')
>>> from proteus import config, Model, Wizard, Report >>> GeneralLedgerAccount = Model.get('account.general_ledger.account') >>> gl_accounts = GeneralLedgerAccount.find([]) >>> _ = [(l.balance, l.party_required) for gl in gl_accounts ... for l in gl.lines] >>> general_ledger = Report('account.general_ledger', context={ ... 'company': company.id, ... 'fiscalyear': fiscalyear.id, ... }) >>> _ = general_ledger.execute(gl_accounts) >>> sale_report = Report('sale.sale') >>> ext, _, _, name = sale_report.execute([sale], {}) >>> ext u'odt' >>> name u'Sale'
>>> sale_user = User() >>> stock_user = User() Create sale:: >>> config.user = sale_user.id >>> sale = Sale() ... >>> sale.click('process') Process shipment:: >>> shipment, = sale.shipments >>> config.user = stock_user.id >>> shipment.click('assign_try') True >>> shipment.click('pack') >>> shipment.click('done')
[tox] envlist = {py27,py33,py34,py35}-{sqlite,postgresql,mysql},pypy-{sqlite,postgresql} [testenv] commands = {envpython} setup.py test deps = {py27,py33,py34,py35}-postgresql: psycopg2 >= 2.5 pypy-postgresql: psycopg2cffi >= 2.5 mysql: MySQL-python setenv = sqlite: TRYTOND_DATABASE_URI={env:SQLITE_URI:sqlite://} postgresql: TRYTOND_DATABASE_URI={env:POSTGRESQL_URI:postgresql://} mysql: TRYTOND_DATABASE_URI={env:MYSQL_URI:mysql://} sqlite: DB_NAME={env:SQLITE_NAME::memory:} postgresql: DB_NAME={env:POSTGRESQL_NAME:test} mysql: DB_NAME={env:MYSQL_NAME:test} install_command = pip install --pre --find-links https://trydevpi.tryton.org/ {opts} {packages}
image: python:all env: - POSTGRESQL_URI=postgresql://postgres@ - MYSQL_URI=mysql://root@ script: - pip install tox - tox -e "{py27,py33,py34,py35}-{sqlite,postgresql}" --skip-missing-interpreters services: - postgres
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