On Github patrickarlt / ditch-your-cms-talk
Twitter : @patrickarlt / Slides : http://bit.ly/1fW17GQ
Do something great for our developer community, reach new markets, and promote our platform.
Started small, few pages about features, then added developer tooling, and finally…
MVPWe wanted people to develop documentation like we developed the developers site.
Not just writing documentation, building documentation.
How could we apply our existing tooling to writing documentation?
github (history of git at esri), static site generatorsStatic sites take care of the hard parts of building a website and writers to focus on content.
Markdown is a formatting language that outputs as HTML.
# Header This will be a paragraph with some *italic* and **bold** text, a [link](http://example.com) and an image ![label](http://placekitten.com/200/200). <h1>HTML is fine too</h1>
Markdown is easy to extend to almost any use case.
Used by developers to manage source code.
Extra collaboration tools on top of Git…
We have absolute control over how content is organized and presented.
We use these same system to build developer tools and marketing pages.
These tools are designed to be extensible to fit use cases.
Teams have been eager to learn these tools and have more ownership over their content.
Allows anyone on any team to look at and edit documentation.
Your development team can help you learn these tools. Learning curve isn't much higher then a CMS.
Servers like (Nginx and Apache) make it easy to serve static files alongside a CMS.
Automate the build process and automatically build and deploy the site when you push changes to GitHub.
Twitter : @patrickarlt / Slides : http://bit.ly/1fW17GQ