7 Problems with CSS at Scale
Gobal namespace
Dead code elimination
Sharing constants
Non-deterministic resolution
From React: CSS in JS – NationJS
Problems with CSS at Scale
Everything is a global
No package mangers or modules
Can't can't remove unused code
Can't be minifed efficiently
Can't share common values
Specificity cold war
Can't isolate styles from each other
More CSS Problems…
- Repetion
- Browsers
- Standards
Fixing CSS With Tooling
- Naming conventions
- Use JavaScript to write CSS
- Give CSS a modules system
- Pre/Post Processors
- Frameworks
Obligatory Quote:
There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
-Phil Karlton
Ways to name things in CSS…
Write CSS In JavaScript
- Everyone using React
The worst things about CSS are the "Cascading" and the "Sheets"
Jed Schmidt - At Brooklyn JS
Write inline styles with JavaScript
``` js
var divStyle = {
color: 'white',
fontSize: '2rem'
<div style={divStyle}>Hi!</div>,
``` html
<div style="color: white; font-size: 2rem;">Hello World!</div>
A Button with CSS Modules
``` css
/* button.css */
.normal { /* all styles for Normal */ }
.disabled { /* all styles for Disabled */ }
.error { /* all styles for Error */ }
.inProgress { /* all styles for In Progress */
``` js
/* button.js */
import styles from './button.css';
var button = document.getElementById('myButton');
``` html
<!-- In your HTML -->
<button id="myButton" class="button__normal__abc5436">
CSS Modules Are Awesome!
They solve a lot of our problems. But…
- Not a formal spec
- Extra processing tools
- Very early in development
Pre/Post Processing
Extend the CSS language. Sass, Less, Stylus and PostCSS. Compilers for CSS.
- Variables to share values
- Reusable functions
- Seperate files and imports
- Logic and operators
- Inheriance
Massive libraries of prebuilt CSS.
Practical CSS Tools
Pick the problems you want to solve, then use tools that solve those problems.
What I Want…
- Add structure and logic
- Reuse and share code
- Help with the global namespace problem
- Allow me to organize code
- Bundle code for browsers
- Fix browser inconsistancy
A Practical CSS Toolkit
- Pick a framework
- Pick some naming conventions
- Preprocess with Sass
- Postprocess with PostCSS
- Bask in glory
Adds programming language features to CSS.
Apply transformations to CSS with JavaScript plugins.
Automagically prefix CSS code!
No more -webkit-, -moz-, -ms- ect…