Data Science Specialization Capstone Project

Data Science Specialization Capstone Project

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Slidify Presentation for Johns Hopkins University Data Science Capstone Project

On Github outrigger / DSSCapstoneDeck

Data Science Specialization Capstone Project

The goal of this project is to develop a predictive keyboard application that takes in a phrase and outputs a prediction of the next word.

Data Source

  • The training dataset comes from a corpus called HC Corpora. It consists of three files containing unstructured data from blogs, news articles and tweets from Twitter.

  • This dataset was first sampled and processed to generate the n-grams required.

  • The n-grams were then used to build a prediction engine for the app.

  • Summary of workflow:


  • Hosted at this link
  • Wait for the app to load. Once done, "[1] NA" will appear as the next predicted word.
  • Enter a phrase in the textbox provided and the next predicted word will be generated.
  • Screenshot:


  • Katz back-off model
    • Katz back-off is a generative n-gram language model that estimates the conditional probability of a word given its history in the n-gram.
    • It accomplishes this estimation by "backing-off" to models with smaller histories under certain conditions.
    • By doing so, the model with the most reliable information about a given history is used to provide better results.


  • Example:
    • Suppose that a 4-grams model is used to calculate the probability of the next word.
    • We have the phrase "a case of beer for a" followed by "dollar".
    • Let's say "dollar" never occurred in the context "a case of beer for a", hence the 4-grams model "dollar" has a probability of 0.
    • We then apply back-off which means going back to the (n - 1)-grams level to calculate the probabilities when we encounter a word with probability = 0.
    • In this case, we will use a 3-grams model to calculate the probability of "dollar" in the context "case of beer for a".