The Expressive Web – CSS Shapes, Masks, Blend Modes and Regions

The Expressive Web – CSS Shapes, Masks, Blend Modes and Regions

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Slides from my talk at London Web meetup in February 2014

On Github oslego / londonweb-2014

The Expressive Web

CSS Shapes, Masks, Blend Modes and Regions

Razvan Caliman / @razvancaliman


  • CSS Regions
  • CSS Blend Modes
  • CSS Masking
  • CSS Shapes

CSS Regions

  .content {
    /* collect content into a named flow */
    flow-into: myFlow;

  .region {
    /* render the content from the named flow */
    flow-from: myFlow;

CSS Regions with viewport height units

Markup Separation

  <!-- content: semantic markup -->

  <!-- layout: helper markup -->
  <div class="region"></div>
  <div class="region"></div>
  <div class="region"></div>  

Adaptive web app UI with CSS Regions

Aggregate content

  /* collect content from different places */
  header nav, 
  footer a {
    flow-into: menuFlow;

  #menu {
    flow-from: menuFlow;

Regions are only Visual Containers

No DOM manipulation (parentNode). No CSS inheritance

CSS Regions Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Microsoft

CSS Regions Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Microsoft

CSS Blending

simple alpha compositing

blend-mode: overlay



blended result

Background Blending

  /* blend background images of the same element */                
  .element {
    background: url(image1.png), url(image2.png);
    background-blend-mode: overlay;

Blend modes

  • normal
  • screen
  • multiply
  • overlay
  • darken
  • lighten
  • color-dodge
  • color-burn
  • hard-light
  • soft-light
  • difference
  • exclusion
  • hue
  • saturation
  • color
  • luminosity

Element Blending

  div { background-image: url(texture.png); }
  p {
    mix-blend-mode: overlay;
    font-family: "Mythos Std";

CSS Compositing and Blending Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Canon

CSS Masking

clipping vs masking


  .element {
    /* clip the element to a circle */
    clip-path: circle(100px at 50% 50%);

Clipping with SVG

    .element {
      /* clip the element using SVG */
      clip-path: url(#clipping);

      <clipPath id="clipping">
        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"></circle>
        <path d="M90,30c0-5.523-4.477-10 ..."/>


  .element {
    /* use an image as a mask */
    mask-image: url(mask.png);

Masking with SVG

    .element {
      /* use a <mask> element as mask */
      mask-image: url(#mask);

      <mask id="mask">
        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"></circle>

CSS Masking Status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Mozilla, Google

CSS Masking on

Shapes in CSS

CSS Shapes

Shape Inside

  /* wrap the content inside a circle */
  #content { 
    shape-inside: circle(100px at 50% 50%);

Shape Outside

  #coffee {
    float: left;
    shape-outside: circle(100px at 50% 50%);

Complex shapes

    /* shape defined by points of a polygon */
    shape-inside: polygon(x1, y1 x2, y2 ... );
    /* shape defined by the alpha levels of an image */
    shape-inside: url(image.png);
    shape-image-threshold: 0.5;
Enhancing Visual Storytelling with CSS Shapes

CSS Shapes status

W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Microsoft

CSS Regions

CSS Blending

CSS Shapes

CSS Masking




Adobe Web Platform blog

CSS Regions

CSS Shapes
