Date only
- 4 digits for the year
- 2 digits for month
- 2 digits for day
- separated with dash (optional but advised)
- indicates local time zone
Time only for local use
16:00 or 16:00:00
- 2 digits for hour
- 2 digits for minute
- 2 digits for second (optional)
- separated with colon (optional but advised)
- indicates local time zone
Time only for international use
16:00Z or 16:00:00Z
- 2 digits for hour
- 2 digits for minute
- 2 digits for second (optional)
- Separated with colon (optional but advised)
Z indicates that time is represented in UTC
Time only with explicit time zone use
16:00+02:00 or 16:00+0200 or 16:00+02
- 2 digits for hour
- 2 digits for minute (optional)
- Separated with colon (optional but advised)
+ indicates offset from UTC
- stick to one format
Combined date and time format
2013-05-10T16:00+02:00 or 2013-05-10 16:00
- date designation
- time designation
T separator can be omitted but is not standard
Periods of time
2013-05-10T16:00/2013-05-10T17:30 or 2013-05-10T16:00/17:30 or 2013-05-10/12
- start of period followed by / and end of period
- higher order components can be omitted
Extra slides
- millisecond accuracy: 16:00:00.345
- day of year based date: yyyy-ddd
- week of year based date: yyyy-wwww-d