pgconf 2016 by @niquola
Evidence Based Medicine
Fast Health Interoperability Resources
~100 Resources
... { "path": "", "short": "Logical id of this artifact", "definition": "The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.", "comments": "The only time that a resource does not have an id is when it is being submitted to the server using a create operation. Bundles always have an id, though it is usually a generated UUID.", "min": 0, "max": "1", "type": [{"code": "id"}], "isSummary": true } ...
{ "resourceType": "Patient", "identifier": [{ "use": "usual", "label": "MRN", "system": "urn:oid:", "value": "12345", "period": { "start": "2001-05-06" }, "assigner": { "display": "Acme Healthcare"} }], "name": [{ "use": "official", "family": [ "Chalmers" ], "given": [ "Peter", "James" ] }], ... }
{"resourceType": "Patient", "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "1096-7" ...
POST /patient GET /patient/<id> PUT /patient/<id> GET /patient?name=nicola PATCH /patient/<id>
SELECT fhir_create_storage(plv8, resourceType: 'Patient') CREATE TABLE patient ( id text, resource jsonb ) inherits (resource); CREATE TABLE patient_history (id text, resource jsonb);
SELECT fhir_create($JSONB$ { resourceType: "Patient", name: "Ivan", birthDate: "1981-01-02" } $JSONB$); fhir_read(resource_type, logical_id) fhir_update(resource::jsonb) fhir_vread(resource_type, version_id) fhir_delete(resource_type, logical_id) fhir_history(resource_type, logical_id) fhir_transaction(bundle::jsonb)
GET [base]/Encounter?length=gt20 GET [base]/Patient/23/Procedure?date=ge2010-01-01&date=le2011-12-31 GET [base]/ValueSet?url:below= # operators GET [base]/Patient?gender:not=male # chained params GET [base]/DiagnosticReport? # eager loading GET [base]/MedicationOrder?_include=MedicationOrder:patient&criteria... GET [base]/MedicationOrder?_revinclude=Provenance:target&criteria...
select fhir.search_sql('Patient', 'given=mark&'); SELECT * FROM patient JOIN organization ON idx_fns.index_as_reference( patient.content, '{careProvider}' ) && ARRAY[organization.logical_id]::text[] AND idx.index_as_string( organization.content, '{name}' ) ilike '%Acme%' + WHERE idx_fns.index_as_string( patient.content, '{name,given}' ) ilike '%mark%') LIMIT 10 + OFFSET 0
SELECT fhir_index_parameter($JSON$ {"resourceType": "Patient", "name": "name"} $JSON$); CREATE INDEX patient_given_string_idx ON patient USING gin ( fhirbase_idx_as_string( content, '{name,given}'::text[]) gin_trgm_ops ) ;
select '{"a": {"b": [1,2,3]}}'::jsonb @@ 'a.b.# ($ = 2 | $ < 3)'; select '{"a": {"b": [1,2,3]}}'::jsonb @@ 'a.b.# IN (1,2,5)'; select '{"a": {"b": [1,2,3]}}'::jsonb @@ 'a.b @> [1,2]';
func _expand_search_params(_resource_type text, _query text) RETURNS setof query_param WITH RECURSIVE params(parent_resource, link_path, res, chain, key, operator, value) AS ( SELECT null::text as parent_resource, -- we start with empty parent resoure '{}'::text[] as link_path, -- path of reference attribute to join _resource_type::text as res, -- this is resource to apply condition ARRAY[_resource_type]::text[] || key as chain, -- initial chain key as key, operator as operator, value as value FROM fhirbase_params._parse_param(_query) WHERE key[1] NOT IN ('_tag', '_security', '_profile', '_sort', '_count', '_page') UNION SELECT res as parent_resource, -- move res to parent_resource fhirbase_coll._rest(ri.path) as link_path, -- remove first element this.get_reference_type(x.key[1], re.ref_type) as res, -- set next res in chain x.chain AS chain, -- save search path fhirbase_coll._rest(x.key) AS key, -- remove first item from key untill only one key left x.operator, x.value FROM params x JOIN searchparameter ri ON = split_part(key[1], ':',1) AND ri.base = x.res JOIN structuredefinition_elements re ON re.path = ri.path WHERE array_length(key,1) > 1 ) SELECT parent_resource as parent_resource, link_path as link_path, res as resource_type, fhirbase_coll._butlast(p.chain) as chain, ri.search_type, ri.is_primitive, ri.type, fhirbase_coll._rest(ri.path)::text[] as field_path, fhirbase_coll._last(key) as key, operator, value FROM params p JOIN searchparameter ri ON ri.base = res AND = key[1] where array_length(key,1) = 1 ORDER by p.chain
CREATE FUNCTION plv8_test(keys text[], vals text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ var o = {}; for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++){ o[keys[i]] = vals[i]; } return JSON.stringify(o); $$ LANGUAGE plv8 IMMUTABLE STRICT; SELECT plv8_test(ARRAY['name', 'age'], ARRAY['Tom', '29']); -- plv8_test --------------------------- -- {"name":"Tom","age":"29"}
CREATE TYPE rec AS (i integer, t text); CREATE FUNCTION set_of_records() RETURNS SETOF rec AS $$ // plv8.return_next() stores records in an internal tuplestore, // and return all of them at the end of function. plv8.return_next( { "i": 1, "t": "a" } ); plv8.return_next( { "i": 2, "t": "b" } ); // You can also return records with an array of JSON. return [ { "i": 3, "t": "c" }, { "i": 4, "t": "d" } ]; $$ LANGUAGE plv8; SELECT * FROM set_of_records();
CREATE FUNCTION test_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ plv8.elog(NOTICE, "NEW = ", JSON.stringify(NEW)); plv8.elog(NOTICE, "OLD = ", JSON.stringify(OLD)); plv8.elog(NOTICE, "TG_OP = ", TG_OP); plv8.elog(NOTICE, "TG_ARGV = ", TG_ARGV); if (TG_OP == "UPDATE") { NEW.i = 102; return NEW; } $$ LANGUAGE "plv8"; CREATE TRIGGER test_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON test_tbl FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE test_trigger('foo', 'bar');
var plan = plv8.prepare( 'SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE col = $1', ['int'] ); var rows = plan.execute( [1] ); var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { sum += rows[i].num; }; return sum;
Client = require('pg-native') global.INFO="INFO" global.ERROR="ERROR" global.DEBUG="DEBUG" module.exports = execute: -> client.querySync.apply(client, arguments).map(x) -> obj = {} ... elog: (x, msg) -> console.log "#{x}:", msg return quote_literal: (str)-> str && client.pq.escapeLiteral(str) quote_ident: (str)-> str && client.pq.escapeIdentifier(str) call: (fn, args...)-> ... require: (nm)-> require('./loader').scan(nm) cache: {}
namings = require('../core/namings') pg_meta = require('../core/pg_meta') ... fhir_create_resource = (plv8, query)-> resource = query.resource throw new Error("expected arguments {resource: ...}") unless resource errors = validate_create_resource(resource) return errors if errors [table_name, hx_table_name, errors] = ensure_table(plv8, resource.resourceType) ... exports.fhir_create_resource = fhir_create_resource exports.fhir_create_resource.plv8_signature = ['json', 'json']
plv8 = require('../../plpl/src/plv8') crud = require('../../src/fhir/crud') assert = require('assert') describe "CORE: CRUD spec", -> beforeEach -> plv8.execute("SET plv8.start_proc = 'plv8_init'") schema.fhir_drop_storage(plv8, resourceType: 'Users') schema.fhir_create_storage(plv8, resourceType: 'Users') it "create", -> created = crud.fhir_create_resource(plv8, resource: {resourceType: 'Users', name: 'admin'}) assert.notEqual( , false) assert.notEqual(created.meta.versionId, undefined) assert.equal(, 'admin')
$ ./plpl reload
SELECT fhir_create_resource($JSONB$ { "resource": { "resourceType": "Patient", "id": "smith", "name": [{"given": ["Smith"]}] } } $JSONB$);
{ "title": "Example Schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "firstName": {"type": "string"}, "lastName": {"type": "string"}, "age": { "description": "Age in years", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 } }, "required": ["firstName", "lastName"] }
[ { "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" }, { "op": "add", "path": "/hello", "value": ["world"] }, { "op": "remove", "path": "/foo"} ]
for Data Driven Systems
var myFirebaseRef = new Firebase("https://?"); myFirebaseRef.set({ title: "Hello World!", author: "Firebase", location: { city: "San Francisco", state: "California", zip: 94103 } });