Starting Point

Starting Point

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On Github nhp / solarize_magento

## Solarize Magento Using a searchengine for more than just search
## About me - Nils Preuss @tutnix - Tech Lead Ecommerce - Polo-motorrad @polo-motorrad

Starting Point

  • one storeview with SaaS Solution
    • costly
    • fully tuned
    • problems with complex scenarios
  • two storeviews with MySQL Search
    • super slow
    • bad result relevance
## Alternatives - Solr - Elasticsearch - Sphinx - SaaS
## Solr and Elasticsearch - personal preference - for search, both shine - colleague with Solr experience
## Sphinx - no internal experience - no api available
## SaaS - lacking adaptability - tempting to optimize result not data - can become costly - optimization not transferable
## Solr - EE connector - old versions (3.6 from 2012)
## Alternatives again - 3rd party module - worked out of the box - extendable
## Pros of the module - easy controllable - attribute boost - good communication with the developers
## More than simple search replacement - auto suggest without magento interaction - skip from index - per product boost
## Enhance Solr usage - infrastructure already in place - most of the data already indexed - got inspired by lizards and pumpkins @tim_bezhashvyly, @vinaikopp, @fabian_ikono
## Ideas - get category_product relations - get category_view data - get product_view data - keep html of those in solr
## Category Product Relations - all data is there - search for products with category_id - filter magento collection - return to normal magento-flow
## Category view data - extend the indexer - more data needed - get data-JSON from Solr - put everything into Varien_Collection - simple adaptions of templates
## Product view data - all product information into Solr - rebuild product structure in Solr - search for Id & child documents - return data-JSON - "mock" a product model with data
## Improvements - rebuild template for direct JSON parsing - use JS for JSON2HTML templating
## Benefits of HTML in Solr - most performant solution - easier scaleable
## Problems with HTML from Solr - slower indexing - WAY bigger index (multistore) - rebuild after data changes - rebuild after template changes
## Magento 2 - extension migration already begun - extended ideas are transferable
## Answers? - Twitter: @tutnix - slides at