On Github mihaiBura / ionic-presentation
GitHub / Twitter / @mihaiBura
FE dev mentor"Ionic is the beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with web technologies." ionicframework.com
hibride ios, android tehnologii web<div class="bar bar-header bar-royal"> <h1 class="title">bar-royal</h1> </div>identitate vizuala sass
<div class="list"> <a class="item item-avatar" href="#"> <img src="mihai.jpg"> <h2>Mihai</h2> <p>Holy Guacamole!</p> </a> </div>Bootstrap, foundation
<!-- single icon --> <i class="icon ion-star"></i> <!-- button with icon --> <button class="button icon-left ion-home">Home</button>
http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/utility/ionic.EventController/ <!-- hold --> <button on-hold="onHold()">Test</button> <!-- swipe --> <button on-swipe-right="onSwipeRight()">Test</button>mai multe la addr
<ion-list> <ion-item> Wake up! <ion-option-button class="button-assertive"> Nope :-) </ion-option-button> </ion-item> </ion-list>pull to refresh
.scroll-bar-indicator { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.3s linear; } .grade-c .scroll-bar-indicator { background: #aaa; } .scroll-bar-indicator.scroll-bar-fade-out { opacity: 0; } .grade-c .scroll-bar-indicator.scroll-bar-fade-out { transition: none; }optimizare a experientei
var push = new Ionic.Push({ "debug": true, "onNotification": function(notification) { var payload = notification.payload; console.log(notification, payload); }, "onRegister": function(data) { console.log(data.token); } });unificare
var deploy = new Ionic.Deploy(); // Promises deploy.check(); deploy.download(); deploy.extract(); deploy.update(); // not a Promise deploy.load();deploy nou binar neschimbat
// gulpfile.js gulp.task('test', function() { // look into karma.conf.js and do stuff }); // bash $ gulp testeasy to build and test
$ ionic serve $ ionic emulate ios $ ionic helpdebug cli - start, add plugin, emulate
$ ionic uploaditerare share app instant feedback
$ionicAnalytics.track('New Score', { winner: 'x' });no overhead default states custom events