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A git class for Girl Develop It. See the slides here:

On Github kroysemaj / git-GDI

Git, Github & the Terminal

James York

  • Work:
    • Front End Instructor: Grand Circus Detroit
    • Developer: [OnStar, Nexient, DTE]
  • Community:
    • Organizer: Detroit Craftsman Guild
  • Speaker: [Code Mash, Self Conference]
  • Contact:
    • Twitter: @kroysemaj
    • email:

Goals for this Talk

  • Introduce you to the broad concept of version control
  • Install git on every machine here
  • Remove any fears you have about working with the terminal
  • Set up a basic github profile
  • Learn the basic commands to get you functional with git
  • Have a grand old time and learn a bunch of stuff!

(Expect lots of gifs)

Getting Setup

Make a github profile

If you haven't already, go to and create a new account

It works the same as making an account for any other service

  • sign up
  • pick a username
  • set a password
  • verify your email

download git

If you haven't already, go to

Choose your platform and install git


If you are running an older version of Mac OSX (10.5 or lower) this won't work. Raise your hand and we'll try to figure out an alternative.

test git

Find your command prompt

  • Terminal in Mac OS
  • Git Bash in Windows

Play along at home

I will be spoon-feeding you terminal commands today. When I do, they will look like this:

$ git example-command --flag -f

(The dollar sign ($) is your terminal's prompt. You don't need to type that. That's just a convention.)

$ type these commands exactly
$ # Anything after a hashtag is a comment

When I give you more than one command, you will enter each command and press enter at the end of each line

git version

To make sure you have git properly installed, run this command in your terminal:

$ git --version

If you don’t get an error, you’re good

If you do get an error, raise your hand

configure git

First let's set some config options for git These will tell git what details to use on the commits we make.

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global "Your Email"

If you're on a mac...

$ git config --global color.ui true

setting up ssh

To make interacting with github a little easier, we will set up SSH for our Github accounts.

This is kind of like a doing a TSA Pre-Screen at the airport. It's more work up front but it makes it easier for us to work with our github repos without needing to put in our passwords over and over again.


First, we need to generate an SSH key.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
$ # Creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label

When it prompts you to enter a file, just leave it blank and hit enter to accept the default.

$ Enter a file in which to save the key: # Press Enter

When it prompts you to enter a passphrase, just leave it blank also, then confirm.

$ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): # Press Enter
$ Enter same passphrase again: # Press Enter

Add ssh key to agent

Now we need to make sure our computer knows about the key we just made.

$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ # Agent pid 59566
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Add ssh key to github

Now that we have an SSH Key on our computer we need to tell Github about it.

First let's copy our SSH key into our clipboard.

$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
# Copies the contents of the file to your clipboard
The pbcopy command may not work for the Windows users.

Add ssh key to github

Now, in your browser, click on your profile pick and select Settings from the drop down.

Add ssh key to github

In the Settings panel, select the SSH keys from the sidebar.

Add ssh key to github

  • From the SSH keys panel, click new SSH key.

  • Enter a description of this ssh key in the Title field (i.e. "work laptop"). Then paste the SSH key into the Key text area.

  • Click Add SSH key. It will ask for your password.

(We're almost there)

Testing the ssh connection

All we need to do now is test that everything worked.

Back in your terminal try this command:

$ ssh -T

Testing the ssh connection

Hopefully, you'll get a slightly scary looking message that looks something like this.

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Just type yes

Testing the ssh connection

Then you should see something like this:

Hi <username>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.

That means it all worked!

First things first

Let's demystify the command line

(It's not as scary as you think)

The Command Line Interface

From Wikipedia

The command line interface (CLI or Terminal) is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (commands).

cli intro

The command line is just another way to interact with your computer and give it commands like the mouse and the graphical user interface (GUI) that you're probably used to.

CLI commands look a little funny at first. But you get used to them pretty quickly. Most are some kind of extreme abbreviation of whatever task you want the computer to do.

ex. Change directory is cd

Some necessary commands

Task Command change directory cd go up a directory level cd .. list folder contents ls list all folder contents ls -a list all folder contents in list form ls -al print working directory pwd create a file touch <filename> make a directory mkdir <directory name> remove a file or folder rm [-r] (if removing a folder) go through command history up arrow key

Yer Hardcore now

This was the way folks used computers for a long, long time. It still works great. I use the command line for almost everything now.

This is how the pros work. We're all pros. So this is how we'll work.

CLI Caveat

Windows Users beware!

These commands are all for Unix / Linux and OSX.

A lot of these will work in a Windows terminal but not all.

But fear not! When we start working with git later, we will use an alternate terminal for Windows that will allow all these Unix commands.

terminal cheatsheet

I will be giving you the commands you need for today in the slides. However, if you want something to refer back to, this is a great reference for terminal commands. This list is for OSX but most of them will work in the Git Bash terminal for Windows.

OSX Terminal Cheatsheet

Version Control

What is it?

Version Control Defined

Version control (also sometimes known as source control) is a system that manages changes to a program, website, or other collection of documents.

Documents? You mean I can use this with any file or collection of files like Word docs or image assets?

Version Control Purposes

Version Control solves two problems for a team of developers

  • Collaboration
  • Tracking and Reverting changes


Version control allows you to work on the same project simultaneously with other people, and helps you to avoid and manage conflicting changes

(In plain English, Version Control keeps you from murdering your teammates)

Who cares?

I work as a freelancer or am not on a team. What can version control do for me? ..lately

Tracking & Reverting Changes

Version control systems allow easy viewing of previous changes, and makes it easy to undo a change set or revert documents back to a previous state

Consider This II: Consider More Harder

  • You're working on a project
  • Saving early and often
  • Everything is great
  • Then while you're saving your computer crashes
  • When you reload you find your entire project was corrupted and the project is not salvageable
  • ...

If only

there was a kind of Save Button on Steroids™ that could save a project's state at various points and serve as a reliable backup...

Without needing to maintain multiple copies of the project in various places.

Guess what, there is!

Version Control!

Types of Version Control

There are two major types of version control

  • Centralized
  • Distributed


Centralized version control systems are run on one central server, and each collaborator checks out the code from and merges changes into the main server


Distributed version control systems allow each collaborator to maintain a separate repository of the code, which can be periodically reconciled with the main server

git & github

First things first:

git !== github

git defined

Git is an open source distributed source control tool.

github defined

Github is a social coding website for managing software projects that use git as their source control

Pair Up!


If you don't have a working laptop, see if a neighbor will let you sit in with them. Talk is cheap and it's important to get your hands dirty with this stuff.

Some Terms

  • repository (repo) — a self-contained codebase or project
  • local - on your computer
  • remote - on the internet
  • snapshot - the way git stores changes in a project

a word about snapshots

Git tracks changes by taking 'snapshots' of a project. You can think of this much like a snapshot in the real world.

When you change a file in a git repo (and save it), it now differs from git's snapshot. Git can now tell that there is a difference. But it only cares about the differences. Sort of like those 'Spot the difference' puzzles

spot the difference

This is how git would see these two files:


lets take a break!

Part I: git basics

Create a repo - git init Check status - git status Make some changes Staging changes - git add Staging vs. committing Committing changes - git commit -m

git cheat sheet

We are going to cover lots of git commands today. This handy cheat sheet will help you keep a lot of them straight and give you a simple quick reference.

Git Cheat Sheet

creating a new repo

Now that we are ready to start using git, we need a project to use it on. We wil create all the files and folders we need using the command line.

This is the procedure you would go through to create a new repo from scratch on a new project.

setting up our folders

We will create a directory in which to keep all our work from today. To make sure we all stay together, we will start from the same place.

$ cd ~ #moves us to the HOME directory

Now create a new directory for all the projects from this class.

$ mkdir gdi-git

Now no matter where we navigate during class we can easily return to this folder using this command.

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

creating a new repo

Okay we have a folder for our class but we're going to be making several projects in this class. So let's create another directory for this first project. Then we'll make a file that will be our first project's source. First let's make a javascript file.

$ mkdir git-cmd-demos
$ cd git-cmd-demos
$ touch helloWorld.js

hello world!

We will not be doing any programming in this workshop. However we will need to make some simple changes to some files so our version control can take notice and track those changes when we tell it to do so.

Open your helloWorld.js file in a simple text editor. I like Sublime Text but you can use the text editor of your choice.

TextEdit for OSX || Notepad for Windows.


console.log('Hello World!');

[new command]

git init

Creates a new git repository in the current folder including ALL child folders

ProTip: Do NOT run in your root folder.

git init in use

To create a new git repo. Run this command in the root directory of your project

$ git init #from your git-cmd-demos folder

(seriously thats it)

Congrats! Its a repo!

So now you have a brand new repository. With nothing in it.

[new command]

git status

Reports the current status of the repo, such as whether any files have been modified or new files have been created

using git status

You can check the status of your repo to see that git can see all the files in the project but they are not being currently tracked.

$ git status

git status demo

You should get a listing of any untracked files in the repo. Right now none of your files are tracked so you should get a list that includes all of the files in the repo.

If you don't get something that looks like this, raise your hand.

[new command]

git add

Adds an untracked file to the repo.

using git add

To add a new file to your git repo, you would use the command

git add <filepath>

$ git add helloWorld.js

If you check your status again you should see that the file is now being tracked (or staged) and is ready to be committed.

staged, not commited

So far we've created the repo, created, and staged some new files. But we haven't actually 'saved' them to the repo. Right now they're just what we refer to as Staged.

There are basically 4 states in which a file can exist.

Untracked (not included in the repo) Tracked Changed Staged Commited (same as #2)

staging area

[new command]

git commit

Once you’ve got code staged you can commit that change. This creates a fixed point that you can build from or return to if needed.

ProTip: Don’t forget the -m to add your commit message. If you forget it, git will throw you into VIM and that will ruin your whole day.

Using git commit

So far, we've created and then added a file to our repo. But it hasn't been commited yet. To commit the new file to your git repo use the command

git commit -m “<message>”

$ git status
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

ProTip: I always like to check my status before I commit just to make sure I’m not committing something I don't want to. If you haven’t noticed, git status is a command you’ll use a lot

making changes

Now that git is tracking our file. We can make changes to it and git will notice.

In your text editor, change helloWorld.js then save:


var name = 'Jimmmy';

console.log('Hello ' + name);

Then add and commit

$ git status
$ git add helloWorld.js
$ git commit -m "I made some changes!"

Add a new file to our repo

You can add new files to the project:

Let's create a file called <your-name>.js in our git-cmd-demos repo, add it to the repo (stage it), and commit it. While we're at it, let's put it in its own new directory.

$ mkdir names
$ touch names/james.js

Add a new file to our repo

Just like before we need to put something in our file:



Then add and commit

$ git status
$ git add names/james.js
$ git commit -m "I added a new file!"

staging and commiting

So why stage AND commit? It seems redundant, right?

This is part of git's philosophy that source control should stay out of your way until you're ready to deal with it.

Let's say you are working in a project and you are working with the three different files:

  • blinky.js
  • inky.js
  • pinky.js

staging and commiting

The changes in blinky.js and inky.js are related to each other, but the changes in pinky.js are not related to the others.

You could do the following (don't type these commands):

$ git add blinky.js
$ git add inky.js
$ git commit -m "changes for blinky and inky"

$ git add pinky.js
$ git commit -m "unrelated change to pinky.js"

Now you have 2 tidy commits that are all grouped together logically rather than in one lump. By separating staging and commiting, you have greater control over what goes into each commit.


Develop It!

Time for our first hands-on exercise!


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

You can check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

You should see something like this...


As long as you have that gdi-git on the end you're in good shape

Develop It!

make your own git repo from scratch

Create a new folder called exercise1 and cd into it Create three new files for your project (put something in them)
  • at least one file should be in another folder inside exercise1
Initialize the project as a new git repo Add the files so that git will track them Commit all the files with a message of 'initial commit' Change something inside all three files. Add the changes from two of the files Commit them as a unit Add the changes from the final file Commit it as a separate unit

lets take a break!

Part II: Dealing with the past

Seeing your project history - git log Customize your history - git log [options] Revisit previous commits - git checkout Temporarily store un-staged work - git stash

[new command]

git log

Allows you to look back over the commit history of your project to see who, when, and what someone commited to a repo.

using git log

Using this command is very simple.

$ cd ~/gdi-git #back in our class project folder
$ git log

Pressing enter will allow you to see more of the log line by line.

In some terminals you may have press q to exit the log. If you don't have your terminal prompt ($ or >), try pressing q.

Fancy logs

git log comes with a whole bunch of options to configure how the log information is displayed

Try this:

$ git log --pretty=oneline

Or these:

$ git log --pretty=oneline --max-count=2
$ git log --pretty=oneline --since='5 minutes ago'
$ git log --pretty=oneline --until='5 minutes ago'
$ git log --pretty=oneline --author=<your name>
$ git log --pretty=oneline --all

your mighty works

So what's so great about being able to look back over your history?

A couple of things:

  • You can see when you last touched your codebase
  • You can see your old commit messages (may have left a clue as to what to do next)
  • It gives you each commit's hash

commit hash

A hash (in computer science) is a fingerprint made of alphanumerics given to a piece of data to make it uniquely identifiable.

Whenever you make a commit, git makes a very long hash that can be used to target it. This will become useful in just a moment.

[new command]

git checkout

Every commit you make in a repo becomes an anchor point in that project's history. You can revisit these anchor points by 'checking out' that commit.

Here's how it works. When you run git checkout <hash>, git copies the snapshot of the referenced commit into your working directory.

using git checkout

To checkout a previous commit you need to know its hash (just the first 6 or 7 characters is enough). Let's create a new change and view it using git checkout.

$ git log
$ git checkout b4b109 #your hashes will differ

detached HEAD state

When you checkout a commit you enter what's called 'detached HEAD state'. You can't keep any commits in this state as you're not on a branch (more on that later). So any commits you make while checking out a past commit will be marooned unless you stash them (more on THAT later) or move them to another branch.

what is a branch?

So what is a branch anyway? Think of your project as a tree, the main course of development is its trunk. Smaller offshoots of development such as new features, bug fixes, etc. can be developed on a branch (off the main trunk so as not to conflict) and be integrated when needed.

git stash

git stash allows you to temporarily store all of your changes to be retrieved later.

using git stash

When last we left our intrepid heroes they were off checking out old commits. Let's bring them home, make some changes, and stash them to see what happens.

$ git checkout master #sets you back to master

Let's change our helloWorld.js file:


this won't even compile!

(Make sure to replace the entire contents of the file)

using git stash

Now we'll stash our awful changes.

$ git stash

Now look at the helloWorld.js file again.


var name = 'Jimmy';

console.log('Hello ' + name);

You're back to the working directory's last commit before any changes. And free to go off on a completely different, not terrible, path if needed.

applying stashed changes

So let's say you do some work and then need those stashed changes back. We can get them back, it's super easy!

$ git stash apply

Now check your helloWorld.js


this won't even compile!

Our terrible code is back!


If you didn't write over all the contents of the file when you changed helloWorld.js your stashed changes might cause a merge conflict.

Don't Panic! If you're on an unfamiliar screen, raise your hand and a trained professional will fix it. Not to fret! It's scary for us too. We will be learning to deal with merge conflicts later in the workshop.


Develop It!

Time for another hands-on exercise!


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

Remember how to check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

Develop It!

Practice project set up

Setup part 2

Create a new folder called exercise2 and cd into it. Create two new files for your project (put something in them). Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add the files so that git will track them. Commit all the files with a message of 'initial commit'. Change something inside both files. Add the changes from two of the files. Commit them as a unit.

10 minutes

Develop It!

practice log, checkout, and stash

View your commit history. Checkout one of the old commits. Make some changes - save but don't add or commit them. Temporarily store the changes. Checkout the master branch. Apply the changes to the master branch

10 minutes

Part III: Fixing mistakes

Undoing local changes (before staging) - git checkout Undoing staged changes (before committing) - git reset Undoing committed changes - git revert

[new-ish command]

git checkout (again)

We've already seen git checkout used to revisit old commits. You can also use this command to undo unwanted changes to a file or collection of files. You may have noticed that git actually tells you this when you check your status.

git checkout -- helloWorld.js would set the file back to the way it is in the repo's most current snapshot.

using git checkout

Back in our git-cmd-demos folder!

$ cd ~/gdi-git/git-cmd-demos

Let's create, add, commit, then change a new file.

$ touch beatles.js
$ git add beatles.js
$ git commit -m "added a file"

Then change the contents of the file:


console.log("Hey Jude");

using git checkout

Save the file and check your status, then checkout the file, and re-check the status

$ git status

$ git checkout -- beatles.js
$ git status


There's no undoing this. Make certain you're sure before you discard your changes. If you're not sure, a safer option is to use git stash just in case you decide you want the work back.

Develop It!

hands-on exercise #1


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

Remember how to check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

Develop It!

Practice project set up

Setup part 2

Create a new folder called exercise3-A and cd into it. Create a new file for your project (put something in it). Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add the file so that git will track them. Commit the file with a message of 'initial commit'.

5 minutes

Develop It!

practice checkout again

Make another change to file Save it. Discard the change to the file using git checkout Verify it worked by checking your status

2 minutes

[new command]

git reset

If you've already added your changes to the staging area, you can't simply check them out to get rid of them. To unstage a file, you can use git reset. Again, git is pretty helpful in pointing this out on the status screen.

using git reset

Back in our git-cmd-demos folder!

$ cd ~/gdi-git/git-cmd-demos

Let's stage the changes in our new file and then use reset to unstage it. Change the file again and this time add it to the staging area.

$ git add beatles.js
$ git status

using git reset

Now let's reset that file and re-check our status.

$ git reset HEAD beatles.js

NOTICE! This doesn't destroy the changes. It simply removes the file from the staging area. From here you can use git checkout to remove the changes entirely or continue working before re-staging. Unless...

git reset hard

If you REALLY want to get rid of the staged changes. You can add the

--hard flag to the git reset command. This will unstage and overwrite the files.

Change the file again and stage it. Then use git reset --hard to completely discard the changes.

$ git status
$ git reset --hard

NOTICE: This does discard all the changes in your working directory. As before, make sure you're sure you know what you're doing when you use this command.

Develop It!

hands-on exercise #2


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

Remember how to check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

Develop It!

Practice project set up

Setup part 2

Create a new folder called exercise3-B and cd into it. Create a new file for your project (put something in it). Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add the file so that git will track them. Commit the file with a message of 'initial commit'.

3 minutes

Develop It!

practice reset

Make a change to file Save it. Add the file to your Index (stage it) Reset the file back so that it is no longer staged. Stage it again. Now kill it with fire.

5 minutes

[new command]

git revert

If you need to undo an entire commit. There's a command for that.

This is a little confusing, git revert actually creates a new commit that reverses the commit mentioned.

using git revert

Back in our git-cmd-demos folder!

$ cd ~/gdi-git/git-cmd-demos

Let's change, save, add, and commit our beatles.js file. Right now it's empty.


//We won't keep this
console.log("Hey Jude");

Add and commit the change.

$ git add beatles.js
$ git commit -m "don't make it bad"

using git revert

Now we'll use git revert to get rid of this commit.

$ git log

Since we're just reverting the most recent commit we can just use this command.

$ git revert HEAD

using git revert

This will put you into VI, a built-in text editor. Learning to use this editor could eat up another whole class. Luckily, all we need to do in this case is enter a simple command to save the information git provides to us automatically

use this command exactly


using git revert

Once your revert is successful, you should be able to see the reverting commit in your history.

$ git log

And if you check the beatles.js file. It should be empty, just like before we made the previous commit.


Develop It!

hands-on exercise #3


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

Remember how to check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

Develop It!

Practice project set up

Setup part 2

Create a new folder called exercise3-C and cd into it. Create a new file for your project (put something in it). Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add the file so that git will track them. Commit the file with a message of 'initial commit'.

5 minutes

Develop It!

practice git revert

Make another change to file Save it. Commit it. Revert the most recent commit. Verify success by checking your git log. If successful you should have a new commit which reverts one before. And the changes to the file (from step 1) should be gone.

5 minutes

lets take a break!

Part IV: Working with remotes

Creating repos on github Sharing repo changes - git push Retrieving changes - git pull Copying remote repos - git clone

Awesome, now what

So now you know the basics of what you need to manage a repo that lives solely on your computer. Unfortunately, sometimes bad things happen to your computer.

to the cloud!

In order to have one more layer of protection we're going to add our repo to our github account. This will also make it much easier to share and collaborate with other people.

to the github!

First though, we need to prepare a place for the repo to live. In your web browser go to your profile, log in, and look for the plus sign (+) next to your name in the upper right corner.

Select 'New Repository'.

new repo details

Name your repo, add a short description and then click 'Create Repository'.

first push

We will actually make use of two new commands here, one of which we will cover, another we will not. Fortunately github gives us these two commands for free.

After you create the repo find this heading on the repos page. Copy each command and run it in your terminal separately.

(Your url will be different)

[new command]

git push

Sends any committed changes on your local repo to whatever remote repo you have defined

When you clone a repo (more on that in a moment) it's automatically set to wherever you cloned from. The code given to us by github set it to our new repos destination.

using git push

Once your changes are committed locally, you can push them up to the remote server where they can be shared. Make some new changes to your local repo, save, add, and commit them. Then push the changes up.

$ git status
$ git push origin master

If it works, you should see something like this.

git push success

You can also see the results on your github page.

[new command]

git pull

This command will download any changes made to a defined remote and (try to) merge them with your changes. You must be in sync with the latest changes to a remote before you can push your own stuff.

using git pull setup

We need to create a change to our repo on github. Luckily, github makes this fairly easy for us. It will create a readme file for us (just hit the green button), which we will then pull down.

add a readme

There's another screen that looks like this. No need to change anything just hit the next green button at the bottom to commit the new file to your repo.

using git pull

Now there is a file on our remote repo that we don't have locally. Let's make a new change and try to push it.

$ touch failboat.js
$ git add failboat.js
$ git commit -m "this won't work"
$ git push origin master

git push fail

Well that didn't work...

You probably got something that looks like this.

using git pull

We need to pull the changes (the new file) down before we can push our new changes.

$ git pull


Now that we're in sync the push will work

$ git push origin master

[new command]

git clone

Copies a remote repository to your machine.

Note, this will create a new directory with a name matching the repo. After it creates the new directory it will copy the files into it.

using git clone

In your terminal, cd to a directory in which you'd like to work.

$ cd ~/git-cmd-demos
$ git clone

check out that clone

Now if you check the contents of the class folder, you should see a copy of the git-demo project in there.

$ ls -al

Even cooler, because git-demo is a project with git as it's source control. It's already it's own repo, ready to be commited to, added to, pushed/pulled, etc. Have a look.

$ cd git-demo
$ git log


Develop It!

Quickie hands-on!


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

Remember how to check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

Develop It!

Practice project set up and pushing

Create a new folder called exercise4 and cd into it. Create two new files for your project (put something in them). Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add the files so that git will track them. Commit all the files with a message of 'initial commit'. Change something inside all of the files. Commit them as a unit. Create a repo on Follow github's instructions on pushing to it
  • (The heading called "push an existing repository from the command line")
Verify it worked by visiting your new repo on github

10 minutes

Teamwork makes the dream work

As mentioned before, one of the biggest benefits to using git and github is that it totally streamlines working with a team.

Let's see how!

working on a team

You already know most of what you need to know to work on a team using git and github. Let's prove it!

Develop It!

Quickie hands-on!


cd to our top-level folder for this class

$ cd ~/gdi-git #moves us to our class work folder

Remember how to check where you are by using the pwd command

$ pwd #print working directory

Develop It!

Practice project set up

Break up into teams of 3 or 4. Elect a team lead. Team Lead:Create a new folder called exercise5 and cd into it. Create a new file for your project (put something in it). Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add and commit the file. Create an empty repo on Follow github's instructions on pushing to it - (The heading called "push an existing repository from the command line") Verify it worked by visiting your new repo on github

Develop It!

Practice Working on a team

Team Lead: Get your teammates github account usernames Add each of your teammates to your exercise 5 project as collaborators on Github

Develop It!

Practice Working on a team

Other team members: Clone the team project to your computer. Add a new file to the project. Add, commit, and push your new file.
  • Don't forget you may need to pull a teammate's changes before you can push your own.
Make sure everyone on the team has at least one commit in the repo. Do a final pull to make sure you have everyone's file from your team and you are totally up to date.

Congratulations, you are collaborating via Github!

merge conflicts

Sometimes (perhaps in the last exercise) things don't go so smooth.

merge conflicts

Git will always try (and usually succeed) merge a repos' contents seamlessly. But when it is not sure how to do that, it will stop what it's doing and ask for your help.

merge conflicts

What this mean is that git has a file that has contents that it doesn't know how to combine. So rather than guessing and possibly overwriting someone's work, it asks the developer to tell it what should be done.


You'll usually see a message that looks like this:

merge conflicts

Once you get that message, open the file in question in your editor. Look around until you find something that looks like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is my change
This is your change
>>>>>>> 4486cc6114bf5159eb5b1ab1531cfea6fc4baff4

merge conflicts

The two chunks of code between the <<<<< and >>>>>> is the conflicting code. We have to fix it and then add, and recommit it.

Since we want to keep both changes in the previous case, we should change the file to something like this, getting rid of the conflict brackets and making sure the rest of the content is there.

This is my change

This is your change

merge conflicts

Once that's done, it's back to business as usual: add, commit and push the files normally.

Let's try it!

Develop It!

Practice project set up

Go back to your teams from the last exercise Elect a new team lead. Team Lead:Create a new folder called exercise6 and cd into it. Create a new file called lyrics.txt to your project. Initialize the project as a new git repo. Add and commit the file. Create an empty repo on Follow github's instructions on pushing to it - (The heading called "push an existing repository from the command line") Verify it worked by visiting your new repo on github

Develop It!

Practice Working on a team

Team Lead: Get your teammates github account usernames Add each of your teammates to your exercise 5 project as collaborators on Github Other team members: Clone the team project to your computer.

Develop It!

Practice Working on a team

Evenly distrbute the slips of paper being handed out by the instructor and TAs. Enter your lyrics into the lyrics.txt file, add, commit, and push them to the repo on github. Only after everyone has pushed their lyrics. Take a look at the original lyrics. Your task is to recreate the text file with all of the song's lyrics in the correct order. You should have merge conflicts all over the place, collaborate with your team to fix them and recreate the song line for line. Resist the urge to wait for all of your teammates to push their code or leave large open space between the stanzas to make it easy to merge. The goal is to have merge conflicts and to resolve them as a team.

pop quiz hotshot!

What command creates a new repo in your current directory?

git init

pop quiz hotshot!

What command makes git track files that have not yet been added to a repo?

git add < file path >

BONUS! What command adds a tracked file's changes to git's staging area?

git add < file path >

pop tart hotshot!

What command 'saves' all the changes that have been added to the staging area to the repo as a new 'anchor point'?

git commit

BONUS! What flag should you never forget to add to this command to avoid ruining your whole day?


hit pop song!

What command discards changes that have not yet been staged?

git checkout < filepath >

BONUS! What command unstages changes that have already been added?

git reset HEAD

DOUBLE BONUS! What command kills all changes with fire and should be used very carefully?

git reset --hard

hipshot pop guy!

What command uploads your changes to a remote repo?

git push

BONUS! What command downloads changes from a remote repo?

git pull

Develop It!

putting it all together!

Now we will use everything we've learned today in one final project for the day.

Instructions will be intentionally vague because I want you all to help each other as much as you need to get help from us.

This might be a good time to pair program or at least find a war buddy to work with.

Develop It!

Final exercise instructions

Create a new folder called 'final-project' in the top-level folder for this class In this new folder, create two files, a new directory called 'inner' and a file inside that called inner.js Create a git repo from this project Add all the files to your new repo Commit all the new files Make a change to inner.js. Add and commit it. Make changes to the other two files Commit the two files separately Revert the last commit. Create a repo in github Push the project to github, create a readme file on github Pull down the change, make another change, and push it to github


Awesome work! Pat yourself on the back!

Any final questions?

Is your mind blown?

how do you feel

Are you okay?

Extra resources

For more git fun try these!

git immersion -
  • A FANTASTIC git tutorial by Jim Weirich (RIP). It's what I based part of this class on.
Pro Git by Scott Chacon
  • A comprehensive guide if you like killing trees
Explain git with D3 -
  • A visual tool for visually see how commits and branches stack up (probably for more advanced studies)
ME! - a human
  • All my classes come with a year of tech support. If you have any questions or get stuck on something (ANYTHING) email ( or twitter (@kroysemaj)

thank you!

Contact Info

James York

  • twitter: @kroysemaj
  • email:
  • github: kroysemaj
Git and Github ~ GDI Ann Arbor ~