Constructs a generative model of the image using Bayesian optimisation by "freezing" and "thawing" parameters
The Plan
Feed calibration data from A.n plus some other guesses into the Tractor as "prior" information and construct a likelihood function
Likelihood includes noise model (i.e. sky background), source locations, psf, galaxy models
1, 2, ..., Infinity!
Eventually... collate parameters from many images and construct metamodel of the sky
Image No. 1 being modelled, many kinks to iron out yet!
Some success with fitting galaxy models but optimal ordering of freezing and thawing still troublesome
Offshoot project:
Find variation in location of sources as compared with catalogue
Find "covisibility" of stars across images to improve catalogue
Image 1
Series of Image Synthesis examples with the tractor:
A.n locations added, brightnesses optimised with psf guess
Galaxy selection and psf varied
More conservative galaxy selection
Source shift detection
Model individual patches of image containing a single star
Model chooses whether star exists in patch, is in catalogue position, or has moved using Bayesian Information Criterion
\( BIC = \chi ^{2} + ln(N) K \) for \( K \) the number of parameters
Models have sky background (with tilt), psf of circular gaussian, and location of psf centre. Each part is frozen and thawed for each fit, as for tractor.