Survey – Agenda – What is Bokeh?

Survey – Agenda – What is Bokeh?

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Interactive Data Visualizations with Bokeh

On Github kdheepak / interactive-data-visualizations-with-bokeh

Text (720) 999-9476 with "up", "down", "left" or "right" to help the mouse get to the cheese


Data Visualizations




Text (720) 999-9476
  • What plotting libraries do you use?
  • What languages do you use?
libraries: ggplot2, plotly
languages: Python, R, MATLAB


  • What is Bokeh?
  • Why Bokeh?
  • Bokeh Live Demo
  • So how does Bokeh work?
  • How Bokeh compares to ...
  • Getting started with Bokeh
  • Additional features of Bokeh

What is Bokeh?

Bokeh is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens.

"allows users the flexibility to focus on the most important data without losing track of the rich context that allows it to be understood."


So what is Bokeh?

Bokeh ...

  • is a data visualization library
    • Not unlike ggplot2, matplotlib, d3.js
  • is built for the web
  • has strong ties to data science


Why Bokeh?

Available in Python, R

Works with small to medium sized data

Real time two way server side interaction

Bokeh Live Demo

Install Bokeh

### Install Anaconda/Miniconda
### Open Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on Windows
conda install bokeh
conda install jupyter # (optional but recommended)

# OR

### Install Anaconda/Miniconda/pip
### Open Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on Windows
pip install bokeh
pip install jupyter # (optional but recommended)

Download notebooks or Clone repository

git clone
cd interactive-data-visualizations-with-bokeh
cd notebooks

Live Demo #1 - Bokeh Basics

Live Demo #2 - Notebook Interactors

Live Demo #3 - Animated

Live Demo #4 - Server Update in response to Client Selection

Live Demo #5 - Subclassing Models

So how does Bokeh work?


  • Dynamic plotting engine
  • Consumes JSON to produce visualizations
  • Can use websockets get/send updates

Bokeh Python

  • Generates the JSON "scenegraph"

That's it!

from bokeh.plotting import figure
p = figure(width=300, height=300)
{u'below': [{u'id': u'f06c6d6c-4f5f-498d-8c0e-1462aa483c72', u'type': u'LinearAxis'}],
 u'id': u'e5f5ef3e-308b-4f5d-9e0f-cf6cd7d9c3b6',
 u'left': [{u'id': u'5ebe63b6-f974-40bd-906e-38e4bbd3336c', u'type': u'LinearAxis'}],
 u'plot_height': 300, u'plot_width': 300,
 u'renderers': [{u'id': u'f06c6d6c-4f5f-498d-8c0e-1462aa483c72', u'type': u'LinearAxis'},
  {u'id': u'86e925b0-4f6f-43f4-8ccc-9231a87679f6', u'type': u'Grid'},
  {u'id': u'5ebe63b6-f974-40bd-906e-38e4bbd3336c', u'type': u'LinearAxis'},
  {u'id': u'13aca088-e607-468d-acdd-1b893480efd7', u'type': u'Grid'},
  {u'id': u'3a813ff1-4089-4ee5-967a-a3d85c104a1d', u'type': u'BoxAnnotation'}],
 u'title': {u'id': u'e23af6b7-6182-4264-b3ba-fe33afaf9a09', u'type': u'Title'},
 u'tool_events': {u'id': u'85db6e96-670c-4869-96b4-f3b43b5e0466', u'type': u'ToolEvents'},
 u'toolbar': {u'id': u'd0f28e52-7d97-4b23-8fa7-332c091551d1', u'type': u'Toolbar'},
 u'x_range': {u'id': u'25c6d0bd-b92d-4bb7-b1c4-762c6e6f8a48', u'type': u'DataRange1d'},
 u'y_range': {u'id': u'b786bc47-eb71-4f16-a2bc-06a0887d7092', u'type': u'DataRange1d'}}

Bokeh and HTML5 Canvas

var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");

BokehJS Models and Views

BokehJS is not actually JS

Bokeh Server

  • Uses websockets to allow real-time updates to visualizations

How does Bokeh compare to ...


  • Static visualizations
  • Low level event based interactivity available for native data exploration
  • Extremely powerful framework, and others have built on top of it - Pandas, Seaborn
  • Not well suited for the web currently - this will change after Matplotlib 2.0 JSON API is further developed


  • Purely functional style programming
  • Solves complicated math for the web
  • Powerful SVG interaction and transition effects, and growing Canvas support
  • v4 has made it modular, but backward incompatible


  • Available as PlotlyJS
  • Available in Python, R, MATLAB
  • Great SVG interaction (built on d3) and WebGL support for 3-D plots
  • Offline version available, although some features are behind a paywall


  • Highly polished Grammar of Graphics interface
  • Animation/interactivity using other libraries (gganimate, shiny)

A Dramatic Tour through Python's Data Visualization Landscape


Imperative vs Declarative

  • Imperative interface: the "how"
    • e.g. d3.js, matplotlib
  • Declarative interface: the "what"
    • e.g. seaborn, ggplot2, altair

Bokeh has both an imperative and a declarative interface.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import as cm
import matplotlib.patches as patches

N = len(data['species'].unique())
cmap = cm.jet(, 1, num=N))
colors = {k: cmap[i] for i, k in enumerate(data['species'].unique())}

mmap = ['o', 's', '^']
markers = {k: mmap[i] for i, k in enumerate(data['species'].unique())}

data['color'] = data['species'].apply(lambda x: colors[x])
data['marker'] = data['species'].apply(lambda x: markers[x])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7.5, 5))

artists = list()
legends = list()
for k in data['species'].unique():
    s = data.loc[data['species']==k]
    a = ax.scatter(s['petal_length'],

ax.legend(artists, legends, loc='upper left')
from bokeh.charts import Scatter, output_notebook, show
scatter = Scatter(data, x='petal_length', y='petal_width',
                color='species', marker='species',
                title='Iris Dataset Color and Marker by Species',

Getting started with Bokeh

Bokeh High Level Interface

Bokeh Middle Level Interface

Bokeh Low Level Interface

One to one mapping between Python and Javascript models

Bokeh Source

Additional features of Bokeh

Bokeh Integration with DataShader

Bokeh Integration with Dask

Bokeh Integration with HoloViews

Additional Resources

Text (720) 999-9476 with "up", "down", "left" or "right" to help the mouse get to the cheese