On Github josmas / contributingToAppInventor2
Created by Jose Dominguez / @josmasflores
no notes for this slide?
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USER_NAME/appinventor-sources.git# Clones your fork of the repository into the current directory in terminal
swap YOUR_USER_NAME for your real user name
$ cd appinventor-sources
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-sources.gitno notes for now: explain what a remote is?
$ cp sample-.gitignore .gitignoreIf you don't do this, you will get in all kinds of trouble
$ cd appinventor
$ antno notes for now
$ your-appengine-SDK-folder/bin/dev_appserver.sh --port=8888 --address= appengine/build/war/Note that you will need to download App Engine for Java, and these routes are relatives to the path of your AppEngine installation no notes for now
$ cd appinventor/buildserver
$ ant RunLocalBuildServerThe build server is needed to create apk files no notes for now
Navigate to localhost:8888
Checkout the App Inventor Developer Overview for more information about the overall architecture of the system.
no notes for now.Feel free to contact the Open Source group for any additional information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.