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On Github jacobroufa / mentorship

The Importance of Mentorship

Jacob M. Roufa@jroufa

Thank Chicago Code Camp organizers thank Angela Dugan for Impostor Syndrome talk

Who am I?

personal stuff

What do I do?

SitePen Thinkful Rockford Web Devs

Why does any of this matter?

we're all uniquely qualified talk about background highschool -> food service -> burnout w/ life the web/open source

Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant

Mentorship is about...



maybe kind of obvious, but useful to qualify happy coincidence: theme of the conference
goat break!


taught from a young age that learning is not necessarily academic learning is a life-long pursuit

Learning is forever

every day we learn something today on Twitter learned that Hutt is a species not a family name

Career requisite

what do we do as developers? stackoverflow google api docs code review

Finding guidance



Colleagues & Peers

we find guidance in all areas of our lives pros and cons for each one

Work-provided opportunities

informal opportunities talk about SitePen

Asking for help

whenever you need it asking, finding humility, is important for growth

Stuck in limbo

expert beginner Dreyfus model novice -- advanced beginner {{ expert beginner }} competent -- proficient -- expert Dunning Kruger Effect
goat break!


Here's a secret...

I have no clue what I'm doing

Know something? Teach something!

if you pay attention to one thing, pay attention to this

Know your limits

what about all the expert beginner stuff?

Several years ago...

talk about experience not overwhelming, cathartic!


Formal mentorship

Lessons learned

Thank you!
