On Github gsamokovarov / euruko-sofia-ruby
How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Start Organizing Conferences
This talk is gonna be weird. 🐻 with me!
It all started in...
Пляс, Пляс...
Until this point, we didn't know EuRuKo existed.
Those guys made us go.
We didn't go with the idea to bring EuRuKo to Sofia.
We didn't even know EuRuKo is moving every year.
We learned that during the first day.
We got the idea, that maybe, we can pitch Sofia.
And I can do a lightning talk on jump.
I wanna type less.
cd(1), pushd(1), popd(1)
alias wc="cd /Users/genadi/Development/web-console" alias rls="cd /Users/genadi/Development/rails" alias gw="cd /Users/genadi/Development/gateway"
Tedious to change.
A faster way to navigate your filesystem.
Works by maintaining a database of the directories you use the most from the command line.
$ j rails $ pwd /Users/genadi/Development/rails
Requires a working Python installation.
Tedious to integrate with the shell.
Its not fuzzy.
Doesn't work on fish shell.
Its not fuzzy.
Kinda like autojump(1) or z(1).
$ brew tap gsamokovarov/jump $ brew install jump
$ eval "$(jump shell)"
I told you this talk is gonna be weird. 💥
This was the lightning talk I didn't get to give.
Cause I have no idea how freaking conferences work.
I had the jump presentation.
Vesti had notes about the Sofia presentation.
It was a project.
We skipped the lunch and made a presentation.
I'm not gonna show it this time.
Yes, I'm a sellout.
By the way, this is Svetlio.
However, we had a problem.
Vesti had to catch a plane.
I "had" a lightning talk to give.
Remember Svetlio?
We pitched it.
It worked!
Inexpensive conference.
One track.
Big lunch break.
Been around since 2009.
First two weekends of October.
Main event at Friday and Saturday.
Location of either NDK or SEC.
Around 700 participants.
Ticket price of 65€.
Two keynotes.