Simplified Git Flow – Branch it, tag it, release it, merge it

Simplified Git Flow – Branch it, tag it, release it, merge it

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Simplified Git Flow

Branch it, tag it, release it, merge it

Geshan Manandhar

Quality and Maintenance Lead,


About me.


  • Prerequisites
  • Start a feature or bug fix on a new branch
  • Work done, lets push
  • Pushed the code? Let's open a merge/pull request
  • Team Lead reviews code
  • After review is ok, code is deployed to staging then live
  • How to name tags
  • Merge the tag to master when all tests are fine
  • Things to consider
  • Conclusion


  • You are aware of what git is, what it does and its benefits
  • You know about basic git commands like add, commit, branch etc
  • Master is the stable branch which can be deployed anytime
  • You have already watched the git happens video.

Start a feature or bug fix on a new branch

  • Always follow a naming convention when create new branch
  • Like: OP-21 (where OP is short for OpenData and 21 is the ticket id from redmine/trello)
  • Always get the latest master branch before you start any issue
  • By typing: git checkout master && git fetch && git pull --rebase origin master
  • Then get a branch out of the latest master
  • The command will be: git checkout -b OP-21
  • Now you can start working onf OP-21 - add blog content type

Work done, lets push

  • So you finished working on OP-21
  • Then you do the following to commit the changes:
  • git add .
  • git add -u - if files have been deleted
  • git commit - then write a commit message
  • Keep in mind commit messages need to be meaningful
  • You can do multiple logical commits.
  • git push origin OP-21
OP-21 add blog content type * Adds new blog content type * Users can add blog posts

Pushed the code? Let's open a merge/pull request

  • It is recommended that you squash your commits to single one
  • To a merge request, always get latest master then rebase your branch
  • Be in your branch git checkout OP-21, then execute: git rebase master.
  • As you just rebased with master, you may need to force push : git push -f origin OP-21
  • Browse to gitlab open a merge request
  • Put the issue in right status/column on redmine/trello and put the merge request link in the comment.
  • User gitk
  • git rebase -i HEAD~3

Team Lead reviews code

  • Team/Project Lead should always check and review code for each pull/merge request
  • Code review is done to ensure coding standards, coding and naming conventions.
  • It is also done to ensure code is maintainable on the long run.
  • If there are comments, it needs to be addressed by the software engineer by re-working.
  • If the code matches standards, does the work and tests are passing it can be deployed.

After review is ok, code is deployed to staging then live

  • First deployed to Staging
  • For staging, its ok to deploy the branch with a deployment process.
  • If all tests are fine, then code is deployed to live.
  • For live/productions, always create a tag and deploy the tag
  • Given you are on OP-21 branch, execute git tag 1.11.2
  • Then push the tag: git push origin 1.11.2 and deploy it live

How to name the tags

  • Tags are basically pointers to a particular commit
  • Naming depends on the version conventions.
  • 1.11.2-p0 can mean 1st Year of operation, month of November, date is 2 - p0 for second release of the day
  • 1.44.3 can mean 1st Year of operation, week no. 44 and release no 3, if you follow weekly sprints.
  • If you use tags for staging you could suffix it with rc-1, rc for release candidate

Merge the tag to master when live is stable

  • After testing and monitoring the live deployment, tag can be merged to master
  • To merge the tag to master, get the latest master
  • Then run: git merge --no-ff 1.11.2 know why --no-ff
  • All the changes that were deployed are in master right now
  • Then you can deploy another branch after tagging it.
  • Next tag for the same day will be 1.11.2-p0
  • Here p0 means patch 0 or 2nd deployment of the day.

Things to consider

  • Never force push on master
  • You can force push on your branch provided others have not branched out from your branch.
  • If tickets/issues are related, you can branch out from a different branch than master
  • If you branched out of OP-10, you can send a merge/pull request to OP-10 as well.
  • Always align your branch from your source branch which is generally master.
  • Hot-fix branches have not been covered.


  • Git flow is easier than it looks, with single ticket deployments.
  • Git flow encourages rigorous code reviews.
  • It helps to follow a standard procedure.
  • Rollbacks are easier as you know the last deployed live tag.




Some programming mantras to remember.

Simplified Git Flow Branch it, tag it, release it, merge it