On Github fvcp / git-intro
A brief introduction to version control with Git and tools to help you get comfortable.
Fox Valley Computing Professionals
12 February 2014
Start Interaction is a digital design and communication strategy consultancy specializing in delivering messages with style.
It will save your a**!
Is this what your project directory looks like?
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$ git clone git@github.com:hakimel/reveal.js.git $ git branch my-reveal-copy $ git checkout my-reveal-copy
Make your changes to index.html and commit them in your branch.
$ git add index.html $ git commit -m "I changed something"
This free course gets you through the basics of using git with an introductory project in your Github account.
LearnGitBranching is an interactive application to learn about branching.
Working in a team environment really lets Git shine. It also gets complicated. Read these ideas and find a workflow that works for your team…
…and now for people who know what they are doing!