On Github fillerwriter / drupal-mapping
- John Snow and Henry Whitehead
- London, 1854. 1st city with 1 million people
- Poor infrastructure, hygine poor. Let to cholera outbreaks
- Snow/Whitehead went door to door, led to...
- Cholera map 1854, important artifact in medical investigation & data visualization
- Building next to the pump, monestary brews own beer
- This map is part of our legacy as story tellers and information sharers
Problem: I need to store location/mapping information.
Geospatial storage
Stores points, lines, polygons
GPX - XML schema for gps devices
Geohash - String format useful for high performance proximity searching
Problem: I need to convert my real-world data into something a computer can understand.
Two types of providers, external service and files
Yandex - Russian counterpart to Google
Problem: I need to get my data out of Drupal into another system, pronto.
Problem: I need to put my data on a map.
Problem: I need to put my data on a map, like a boss.
Problem: I need to display static or near-static information on a map.
Problem: I need to be able to filter/analyze/interact with my geospatial data online.
- Catch up with the wider ecosystem (support for outside standards, better usage of API's)
- Better UX (think iD for Open Street Map)
- Better config management (MapJSON)
Slides: http://tiny.cc/geospatial-drupal
: Brandon Morrison
: bmorrison@phase2technology.com
D.O: Brandonian