Building for the – Modern Web – with RWD & Web Components

Building for the – Modern Web – with RWD & Web Components

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On Github ebollens / p-building-modern-web

Building for the

Modern Web

with RWD & Web Components

Eric Bollens / / ebollens [GitHub] / @ericbollens [Twitter]

Before We Start...

About This Presentation

The slides from this presentation

This presentation is open source

About Me

Chief Technology Officer

Formerly, Open Source Architect

Open source, modern web & IoT evangelist

What Is The Modern Web?

Expressive semantics Human and machine comprehensible

Responsive to user needs Interfaces for a rich browsing ecosystem

Rich interface components Reusable and extensible functionality

Expressive Semantics

    <header><!-- .. --></header>
            <header><!-- .. --></header>
            <footer><!-- .. --></footer>
            <main><!-- .. --></main>
    <footer><!-- .. --></footer>

Responsive to user needs

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
    <!-- .. -->
  <div class="clearfix visible-xs-block"></div>
  <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3">
    <!-- .. -->
  <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3">
    <!-- .. -->

Rich interface components

<ol is="responsive-gallery">
        <figure is="youtube-video-popup" data-id="XXXXXXXXX">
            <figcaption><!-- .. --></figcaption>
        <figure is="youtube-video-popup" data-id="XXXXXXXXX">
            <figcaption><!-- .. --></figcaption>
    <!-- .. -->

Responsive Design

The Web is Flexible

The control which designers know in the print medium... is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page.

We should embrace the fact that the web doesn't have the same constraints, and design for this flexibility.

~ John Allsopp, A Dao of Web Design

Why Do We Care?

First there was desktop... then there was mobile... and now watches, widescreens, etc.

Each device has different dimensions and capabilities

Fully-capable browsers have become pervasive

Changing perceptions regarding how mobile is used

Responsive Layouts

Flexible Grid

target ÷ context = result

body > header, 
body > footer, 
body > #container {
    width: 960px;
    margin: 0 auto;

#container > nav {
    float: left;
    width: 180px;

#container > main {
    margin-left: 190px;
    width: 770px;
body > header, body > footer, 
body > #container {
    width: 93.75%;  /* 960 ÷ 1024 = .9375 */
    margin: 0 auto;

#container > nav {
    float: left;
    width: 18.75%;  /* 180 ÷ 960 = .1875 */

#container > main {
    margin-left: 19.791667%; 
                    /* 190 ÷ 960 = .1979166.. */
    width: 80.208333%; 
                    /* 770 ÷ 960 = .8020833.. */

Breaking the Flexible Grid

Still has limits

Small screen constricts content

Large screen isolates content

Media Queries

body > header, 
body > footer, 
body > #container {
    width: 93.75%;
    margin: 0 auto;

#container > nav {
    float: left;
    width: 18.75%;

#container > main {
    margin-left: 19.791667%;
    width: 80.208333%;
@media (max-width: 640px){
    #container > nav {
        float: none;
        width: 100%;
    #container > main {
        margin-left: 0;
        width: 100%;

Flexible Media

Images and video have explicit pixel sizes

img { max-width: 100%; }
img, embed, object, video { max-width: 100%; }

Viewport Tag

Mobile browsers assume desktop pages but the viewport tag lets us specify otherwise

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">


Flexible Grid Proportional design with percentages, not pixels

Media Queries Application of styles at particular dimensions

Responsive Media Images and video that scale to fit their container

Viewport Definition Specify dimensions for the viewport

More Than Basic Responsive Layouts

Media Queries

Most commonly...

@media (max-width: 480px) { /* ... */ }

But often more effective...

@media (min-width: 481px) { /* ... */ }

For high resolution displays...

@media (min-resolution: 300dpi) { /* ... */ }

And more Media Queries

@media (max-width: 480px) { /* ... */ }
@media (min-width: 481px) { /* ... */ }
@media (max-resolution: 299dpi) { /* ... */ }
@media (min-resolution: 300dpi) { /* ... */ }
@media (max-height: 800p1px) { /* ... */ }
@media (min-height: 800px) { /* ... */ }
@media (max-aspect-ratio: 1/1) { /* ... */ }
@media (orientation: portrait) { /* ... */ }
@media (min-aspect-ratio: 1/1) { /* ... */ }
@media (orientation: landscape) { /* ... */ }
@media (light-level: normal) { /* ... */ }
@media (light-level: dim)  { /* ... */ }
@media (light-level: washed)  { /* ... */ }
@media (pointer: fine) { /* ... */ }
@media (hover: hover) { /* ... */ }
@media (scripting: enabled) { /* ... */ }


@supports (display: flex) {
  div { display: flex; }
@supports (-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000) or 
          (   -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000) or 
          (        box-shadow: 0 0 2px #000) { 
   div { /* .. */ } 
CSS.supports("display", "flex");
CSS.supports("(transform-origin: 5% 5%)");
CSS.supports("(transform-origin: 5% 5%) and (display:flex)");

All current browsers except IE(polyfill:

Using ems for Breakpoints

@media (min-width: 641px) { /* ... */ }

for windows or screens of particular width ranges, we want to flow our content in a particular way

But is this the right approach?

What happens when the baseline is not 14pt/16px?

@media (min-width: 40.0625em) { /* ... */ }

Identical behavior for default text size Friendly to assisted users who scale text size up Support high density devices that report larger pixel sizes

Responsive Interactions

How Do You Scroll?

Spin a scroll wheel

Drag a scroll bar

Press a scroll arrow

Slide a finger across the screen

Verbally state "scroll" and a direction

How Do You Undo?



Press down and select action

Shake or swipe

Handling for Many Environments

document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
  if(navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/g) && e.which === 90 && e.metaKey)
  else if(e.which === 90 && e.ctrlKey)
    window.addEventListener('shake', function(e){
(function (window, document) {

    function Shake() {
        this.hasDeviceMotion = 'ondevicemotion' in window;
        this.threshold = 15;
        this.lastTime = new Date();
        this.lastX = null;
        this.lastY = null;
        this.lastZ = null;

        if (typeof document.CustomEvent === "function") {
            this.event = new document.CustomEvent('shake', {
                bubbles: true,
                cancelable: true
        } else if (typeof document.createEvent === "function") {
            this.event = document.createEvent('Event');
            this.event.initEvent('shake', true, true);
        } else {
          return false;

    Shake.prototype.reset = function () {
        this.lastTime = new Date();
        this.lastX = null;
        this.lastY = null;
        this.lastZ = null;

    Shake.prototype.start = function () {
        if (this.hasDeviceMotion) { window.addEventListener('devicemotion', this, false); }

    Shake.prototype.stop = function () {
        if (this.hasDeviceMotion) { window.removeEventListener('devicemotion', this, false); }

    Shake.prototype.devicemotion = function (e) {
        var current = e.accelerationIncludingGravity,
            deltaX = 0,
            deltaY = 0,
            deltaZ = 0;

        if ((this.lastX === null) && (this.lastY === null) && (this.lastZ === null)) {
            this.lastX = current.x;
            this.lastY = current.y;
            this.lastZ = current.z;

        deltaX = Math.abs(this.lastX - current.x);
        deltaY = Math.abs(this.lastY - current.y);
        deltaZ = Math.abs(this.lastZ - current.z);

        if (((deltaX > this.threshold) && (deltaY > this.threshold)) || ((deltaX > this.threshold) && (deltaZ > this.threshold)) || ((deltaY > this.threshold) && (deltaZ > this.threshold))) {
            //calculate time in milliseconds since last shake registered
            currentTime = new Date();
            timeDifference = currentTime.getTime() - this.lastTime.getTime();

            if (timeDifference > 1000) {
                this.lastTime = new Date();

        this.lastX = current.x;
        this.lastY = current.y;
        this.lastZ = current.z;

    Shake.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) {
        if (typeof (this[e.type]) === 'function') {
            return this[e.type](e);

    var myShakeEvent = new Shake();
    myShakeEvent && myShakeEvent.start();

}(window, document));

And how about tap highlight undo?


Make it easier for web developers to author consistently usable interfaces that are input-agnostic and independent of a user's particular platform, hardware, locale & preferences.

Enable every type of control in these interfaces to be programmatically determinable and controllable by both mainstream and alternate forms of user input, including assistive technologies.

Provide a clear path for web developers to transition from current physical events to IndieUI events, during the period when implementations of IndieUI are incomplete.


element.addEventListener('undorequest', function(){

No keypress detection No UA sniffing or OS consideration No complex hacks to detect interaction No undetectable actions

The Twist

Unfortunately, IndieUI is not really supported yet

For now, just be congnizant of the variety...

Not everyone has hover state Not everyone interacts with keypresses Mouse events and touch events are different

Responsive to the Environment

Ambient Light

Adapt to the luminosity of the environment

@media (light-level: normal){ body { background-color: #ddd; color: #333; } }
@media (light-level: dim)   { body { background-color: #000; color: #ddd; } }

Change simulation or game conditions based on environment

window.addEventListener('devicelight', function(e) {
  /** change environment based on e.value from [0,100] **/

Even adjust for the health of your user

Currently moving through the standards process

Battery Life

Battery Status API

navigator.battery || navigator.webkitBattery || navigator.mozBattery

Properties for charging, current level and discharge time Events when properties change

Why do we care?

Minimize the frequency of radio wakes Adjust colors to minimize battery drain

Network Information API(that wasn't)

Proposal for an API with bandwidth and metered properties

var i = document.getElementById('ex'), connection = document.connection;
if (connection.bandwidth > 2 && !connection.metered) {
  i.src = "/ex_hd.png";
} else {
  i.src = "/ex_ld.png";

But this didn't come to pass...

Network Sampling

Navigation Timing API  ( performanceTiming interface )

More Performance Sampling

Resource Timing API  ( performanceTiming interface )


User Timing API
var perfEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("mark");

Storage Availability

Web Storage, App Cache, FileSystem API & Indexed Database

Quota Management API

navigator.storageQuota.queryInfo("temporary").then(function(storageInfo) {
  initializeCache(storageInfo.usage, storageInfo.quota - storageInfo.usage);
      var availableSpace = storageInfo.quota - storageInfo.usage;
      if (availableSpace >= spaceNeeded)
        return storageInfo;
        return navigator.storageQuota.requestPersistentQuota(
                spaceNeeded + storageInfo.usage);
  ).then(function (storageInfo) {
    prepareForOfflineMode(storageInfo.quota - storageInfo.usage);
  }, errback)

Web Components

The Original Vision for HTML

Originally, just text and links

Support added for images and media

Becomes a publishing and marketing medium

By the late 1990's, the web was no longer optional

From Information to Interaction

DotCom era bore a new generation of web tech

eCommerce Social networks Blogs, wikis and podcasts Streaming services

Boom turned to bust, but "Web 2.0" remained

Rich Internet Applications Web-oriented Architecture Social Web

Keeping Up with the Changing Model

HTML suffers from its success

Divitis XHTML, DHTML, ActiveX, Java JavaScript Mega-Frameworks Flash & Silverlight


Structural semantics Interactive features

A larger feature set... but still a discrete one

Beyond Discrete Semantics

Semantics should be

Domain-applicable Expressive Encapsulated Reusable Composable Extensible

Web Components

Custom Elements define new HTML tags

HTML Templates inject dynamic content into static markup structures

Shadow DOM scope markup and styles in a separate DOM tree

HTML Imports import HTML documents into other HTML documents

Custom Elements


Register a custom element

var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-foo');

Use within the DOM


Instantiate the element

document.body.appendChild(new XFoo());

More About Registration

var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-foo');
var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-foo', { 
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype) 
var XFooProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);

// ..

var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-foo', {
  prototype: XFooProto

Extending an Element

var MegaButton = document.registerElement('mega-button', { 
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype), 
  extends: 'button'

Attributes, methods and callbacks inherited from  button

<button is="mega-button">
var megaButton = document.createElement('button', 'mega-button');
[is="mega-button"] { font-size: 2em; }

For Convinience, Setters & Getters

var XFooProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); = function() { alert('foo() called'); }; = 5;
var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-foo', {
  prototype: XFooProto
var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-foo', { 
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype, { 
    foo: { 
      value: function() { alert('foo() called'); } 
    bar: { 
      get: function() { return 5; } 

Custom Element Lifecycle

createdCallback when instance of element is created

attachedCallback when an instance is inserted into the document

detachedCallback when an instance is removed from the document

attributeChangedCallback(attrName, oldVal, newVal) when an attribute is added, removed or updated

Putting Custom Elements to Work

A Motivating Example

Data collection @ CloudCompli

Develop software for environmental compliance Workflows driven by inspections & other data collection Compliance isn't simple or accommodating Need a simple definition language for complex forms

We need more than HTML forms offer out-of-the-box

Why Isn't HTML Enough?

HTML forms are flat Hard to represent sets, sub-structures & complex data types

HTML forms are missing controls we need Signatures, geocoding, graphical, etc.

HTML forms are weak on behavioral definitions Conditional applicability, multi-group sets, etc.

A Comparison

The Old Way Most forms over 1k LOC Largest form over 3k LOC Limited reusability Mid-level engineer required

The New Way Largest form less than 1k LOC Control behaviors completely reusable "Intern-ready"

Putting Custom Elements to Work

Latitude Input: Custom Callback

<input is="type-lat" name="latitude">
var initializeInputTypeLat = function(){
  var self = this;
  self.type = 'number';
  self.min = -90;
  self.max = 90;
  self.step = 'any';
    self.value = position.coords.latitude;
document.registerElement('type-lat', {
  extends: 'input',
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLInputElement.prototype, {
    attachedCallback: {
      value: initializeInputTypeLat

Nested Data

<form is="hierarchical-form" action="/report" method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="title">
    <fieldset is="control-group" data-name="location">
        <input is="type-lat" name="latitude">
        <input is="type-lng" name="longitude">
    <input type="submit">
    "title": "Example",
    "location": {
        "latitude": "34.068077", 
        "longitude": "-118.442542"

Control Group

<fieldset is="control-group" data-name="location">
    <input is="type-lat" name="latitude">
    <input is="type-lng" name="longitude">
group.value == {
    "latitude": "34.068077", 
    "longitude": "-118.442542"

control-group as a meta-field It's value should be an object of sub-fields It's name should be used for form data or in a parent group

Control Group: Name

data-name attribute for fieldset name

document.registerElement('control-group', {
  extends: 'fieldset',
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, {
    name: {
      get: function(){
        return $(this).attr('data-name');
      set: function(value){
        $(this).attr('data-name', value);
    /* .. */

Control Group: Value Getter

document.registerElement('control-group', {
  extends: 'fieldset',
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, {
    /* .. */
    value: {
      get: getValueForControlGroup
var getValueForControlGroup = function(){
    var values = {}, name;
        if(name = $(this).attr('name') && this.value !== undefined){
            values[name] = this.value;
    return values;

Control Group: Value Setter

document.registerElement('control-group', {
  extends: 'fieldset',
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, {
    /* .. */
    value: {
      get: getValueForControlGroup,
      set: setValueForControlGroup
var setValueForControlGroup = function(){
            var name =;
                this.value = value[name]

Form: Values

form.value == {
    "title": "Example",
    "location": {
        "latitude": "34.068077", 
        "longitude": "-118.442542"
}   }
form.value = {
    "some-group": {
        "some-field": "some value"
}   }
document.registerElement('hierarchical-form', {
    extends: 'form',
    prototype: Object.create(HTMLFormElement.prototype, {
        value: {
            get: getValueForControlGroup,
            set: setValueForControlGroup

Form: Submission

<form is="hierarchical-form" action="server/submit.php" method="POST"
      data-success="server/success.php" data-error="server/error.php">
document.registerElement('hierarchical-form', {
    extends: 'form',
    prototype: Object.create(HTMLFormElement.prototype, {
        attachedCallback: {
            value: function(){ overrideFormSubmitHandler(this); }
}   })  });
var overrideFormSubmitHandler = function(form){
    $(form).submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault();
        $.ajax({ url: $(form).attr('action'),
                 method: $(form).attr('method'),
                 data: JSON.stringify(form.value),
                 contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                 success: function(){ 
                     window.location = $(form).attr('data-success'); },
                 error: function(){ 
                     window.location = $(form).attr('data-error'); }
})  })  };

Getting Organized

Quickly Becoming a Mess

    var processableFields = [
        processableSelector = processableFields.join(', '),
        exclusionSelector = processableFields
                return 'fieldset[is="control-group"] '+f; 
            }).join(', ');
    var HierarchicalGroupValueProperties = {
        value: {
            get: function(){
                var values = {}

                    var name =;
                    if(name && this.value !== undefined){
                        values[name] = this.value;

                return values;
            set: function(value){
                    var name =;
                        this.value = value[name]
    window.HierarchicalFormElement = document.registerElement(
            'hierarchical-form', {
        extends: 'form',
        prototype: Object.create(HTMLFormElement.prototype, 
                $.extend({}, HierarchicalGroupValueProperties, {
            attachedCallback: {
                value: function(){
                    var form = this;
                            url: $(form).attr('action') 
                                    ? $(form).attr('action') 
                                    : '#',
                            method: $(form).attr('method') 
                                    ? $(form).attr('method') 
                                    : 'GET',
                            data: JSON.stringify(form.value),
                                'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                            success: function(){ 
                                    window.location = 
                            error: function(){ 
                                    window.location = 

    window.ControlGroupElement = document.registerElement(
            'control-group', {
        extends: 'fieldset',
        prototype: Object.create(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, 
                $.extend({}, HierarchicalGroupValueProperties, {
            name: {
                get: function(){
                    return $(this).attr('data-name');
                set: function(value){
                    $(this).attr('data-name', value);

    window.InputTypeLatElement = document.registerElement(
            'type-lat', {
        extends: 'input',
        prototype: Object.create(HTMLInputElement.prototype, {
            attachedCallback: {
                value: function(){
                    var self = this;
                    self.type = 'number';
                    self.min = -90;
                    self.max = 90;
                    self.step = 'any';
                            self.value = position.coords.latitude;

    window.InputTypeLngElement = document.registerElement(
            'type-lng', {
        extends: 'input',
        prototype: Object.create(HTMLInputElement.prototype, {
            attachedCallback: {
                value: function(){
                    var self = this;
                    self.type = 'number';
                    self.min = -180;
                    self.max = 180;
                    self.step = 'any';
                            self.value = position.coords.longitude;

Partial Loading

Great for resources

<script src> <link rel="stylesheet" href> <img> , <video>   and  <img> <embed>   and  <object>

But historically bad for HTML

AJAX <iframe> Hacks (overloading <script>, hiding in comments, etc.)

HTML Imports

<link rel='import' href='elements/fieldset_control-group.html'>
<script type='text/javascript' src="../libraries/jquery.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.registerElement('control-group', {
    /* .. */

Support for recursion

<link rel='import' href='elements.html'>
<link rel='import' href='elements/form_hierarchical-form.html'>
<link rel='import' href='elements/fieldset_control-group.html'>
<link rel='import' href='elements/input_type-lat.html'>
<link rel='import' href='elements/input_type-lng.html'>

Namespace Chaos

Multiple elements may need the same routines

var HierarchicalGroupValue = (function(){

    var processableFields = [
        processableSelector = processableFields.join(', '),
        exclusionSelector = processableFields
                return 'fieldset[is="control-group"] '+f; 
            }).join(', ');

    return {
        get: function(){

            var values = {}

                var name =;
                if(name && this.value !== undefined){
                    values[name] = this.value;

            return values;
        set: function(){

                var name =;
                    this.value = value[name]



ES6 Modules

var processableFields = ['input', 'textarea', 'select', 'fieldset[is="control-group"]'],
    processableSelector = processableFields.join(', '),
    exclusionSelector ={ 
            return 'fieldset[is="control-group"] '+f; 
        }).join(', ');
export function get(){ /* .. */ };
export function set(value){ /* .. */ };
import { get } from 'hierarchicalGroupValue';
import * from 'hierarchicalGroupValue';
import * from 'hierarchicalGroupValue';
document.registerElement('control-group', {
    extends: 'form',
    prototype: Object.create(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, {
        value: hierarchicalGroupValue,
        attachedCallback: { /* .. */ }
})  });

ES6 Module Loader

    document.registerElement('hierarchical-form', {
        extends: 'form',
        prototype: Object.create(HTMLFormElement.prototype, {
            value: hgv,
            /* .. */

Multiple ES6 Modules

    'helpers/hierarchical-group-value', 'helpers/data-name'
].map(function(m){ return System.import(m) })).then(function(m) {
    var hierarchicalGroupValue = m[0],
        dataName = m[1];
    document.registerElement('control-group', {
        extends: 'fieldset',
        prototype: Object.create(HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype, {
            value: hierarchicalGroupValue,
            name: dataName

Templates & Shadow DOM

Multiple Group Control

Multiple sets of the same group of controls and the ability to add more sets

<fieldset is='multi-group-control' data-name='issues'>
    <fieldset is="control-group">
        <input type='text' name='identifier'>
        <textarea name='description'></textarea>
    <fieldset is="control-group">
        <input type='text' name='identifier'>
        <textarea name='description'></textarea>
    <!-- .. -->

Scaffolding the Control

Let's implement a Web Component for this where...

you define a template for the group

<fieldset is='multi-group-control' data-name='issues'>
        <input type='text' name='identifier'>
        <textarea name='description'></textarea>

the value is an array of the group values

    { "name": "..", "description": ".." },
    { "name": "..", "description": ".." }

Template Element

Inert until activated Markup is hidden and doesn't render until activated

No side-effects Scripts don't run and media isn't retrieved until activated

Not in DOM tree Not selectable by usual DOM methods May be placed anywhere in head, body or frameset

Using Template for Delayed Activation

<button onclick="example()">Use me</button>
<div id="container"></div>
  <div>Template used: <span>0</span></div> 
function example() { 
  var content = document.querySelector('template').content,
      span = content.querySelector('span');

  span.textContent = parseInt(span.textContent) + 1;

          .appendChild(document.importNode(content, true));

Generating the Meta-Control

<fieldset is='multi-group-control' data-name='issues'>
        <input type='text' name='identifier'>
        <textarea name='description'></textarea>
attachedCallback: {
    value: function(){
        var control = this;
        this.template = $(this).children('template').get()[0];
        this.container = document.createElement('div');
        this.$button = $('<button>').attr('type', 'button')

Generating a Control Group

<fieldset is='multi-group-control' data-name='issues'>
        <input type='text' name='identifier'>
        <textarea name='description'></textarea>
addControlGroup: {
    value: function(value){
        var clone = document.importNode(this.template.content, true),
            $newGroup = $('<fieldset is="control-group">');


        if(value !== undefined)
            $newGroup.get()[0].value = value;

The Meta-Group's Getter & Setter

    { "name": "..", "description": ".." },
    { "name": "..", "description": ".." }
get: function(){
    var groups = [];
    return groups;
set: function(values){
    }, this);

Leaky Implementation Details

What about namespace clashes?

If we use a class in our widget, external definitions might leak in

When building and using widgets, we want to...

Encapsulate implementation details Isolate from exterior styles and behaviors

We need to isolate the widget's DOM tree

Shadow DOM

this.container = document.createElement('div');

var shadowContainer = document.createElement('div'),
    shadow = shadowContainer.createShadowRoot();

this.container = shadow;

        <fieldset is="control-group"><!-- .. --></fieldset>
        <!-- .. -->

Styling Shadow DOM

Target the host of the shadow

:host(:hover) { /* .. */ }

Target a descendant of the host of the shadow

:host-context(.wrapper) { /* .. */ }

Target elements within the shadow context

[is="multi-group-control"] > ::shadow > [is="control-group"] {/* .. */}

Use with Caution!

Shadow DOM & template polyfills have to wrap... Document, Window, Element, XMLHttpRequest, Node, NodeList, DOMTokenList, FormData, WebGLRenderingContext, Selection, and another 25 or so elements...

Oh, and functions like... createElement, createEvent, getElementById, getSelection, querySelector, querySelectorAll, and another 15 or so core ones...

We love Web Components at CloudCompli, but... we do not yet use template and Shadow DOM

Experiences from the Real World

This Stuff Isn't Easy

3 rewrites and 100 hours on our form components But estimated savings producing forms over 10x that

Edge cases and race conditions Event model and asynchronous loading get messy fast

Performance can be tough You're in the DOM node initialization process

Browser bugs/inconsistencies and limited debugging The browsers aren't doing this all right yet either

Browser Support, Polyfills and Failings

You are on the bleeding edge But browsers are fixing bugs and adding features

Polyfills do pretty good with most of this But pieces of it are definitely not for the feint of heart

Web Components Polyfill

ES6 Modules

Great Promise for the Future

We've only scratched the surface So many more features and yet unforeseen outcomes

Makes HTML future-proof Allows us to define our own domain-specific elements

Start using Web Components today

Some Examples

Responsive Video Gallery Responsive Layouts, Custom Elements, HTML Imports

Hierarchical Forms Custom Elements, HTML Imports, Templates, Shadow DOM

Thank You

Any Questions?

Eric Bollens / / ebollens [GitHub] / @ericbollens [Twitter]

Building for the Modern Web with RWD & Web Components Eric Bollens / / ebollens [GitHub] / @ericbollens [Twitter]