Educational Outreach Activities:
Playing OR Games!
Paul Harper, Vincent Knight, Louise Orpin
Prisoner's Dilemma
OR Society stretch goal
"Every secondary school student to know what Operational Research is."
Two examples
Game Theory using the Prisoner's Dilemma
Epidemiology using dice
Prisoner's Dilemma Tournament
Rules of the game
- If the combined score of the 2 dice is greater than 10 (i.e. equals 11 or 12), then the susceptible student becomes infected (i.e. the disease has just been transmitted!) and stands behind their chair.
- This is repeated until the one initial infected student has rolled dice with all the students.
- If the total of 2 rolls is 5, then the student recovers and moves to the side of the room and plays no
further part in the game.
Theoretical explanation
S ’ = - bSI
I ’ = bSI - rI
R ’ = rI
OR Ambassadors in Schools