Who is this new Indian guy?
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Spock Framework
No Questions Please..
Dhiraj Mahapatro
Grails Developer @ NetJets
twitter # @dhirajmahapatro
GitHub # dmahapatro
Stackoverflow # dmahapatro
Why BDD when we follow TDD?
TDD facilitates writing code correct
BDD facilitates writing correct code
@TestFor(SampleController) @Mock(Sample) class SampleControllerTests { void testControllerActionShowReturnsString() { //Create mocked object instance new Sample(name: 'Sample') //Call controller action controller.show() //Assert response assert controller.response.contentAsString == 'Hello World' } }
Test makes sure the controller action is called and response is got back appropriately.
twitter # @pniedrw
@TestFor(SampleController) @Mock(Sample) class SampleControllerTests extends ControllerSpec { void "test controller should return Grails and Ale"() { given: "A sample object with name Sample" new Sample(name: 'Sample') when: "Controller show action is called" controller.show() then: "The response should be Grails and Ale" controller.response.contentAsString == 'Grails and Ale' } }
Self documented test matching laid out specification
@Spock Framework Docs:
@BDD Definition:
@Google Code: