On Github coderjoe / barcamproc-2013-04
Internet is ubiquitous. Poll audience about social network usage. Facebook Youtube Reddit Google Twitter
Some of the Service is supported by advertising revenue and may display advertisements and promotions, and you hereby agree that Instagram may place such advertising and promotions on the Service or on, about, or in conjunction with your Content. The manner, mode and extent of such advertising and promotions are subject to change without specific notice to you. Instagram changed terms of service. There was an uproar because it involved advertisers using user's photos without consent. Play a game of old vs new Nobody noticed that the old terms were actually worse!
Err on the side of the users. Rights to content producers, not content aggregators.
Battles are fought quarterly whenever a new company poses some new restriction on its users. Facebook is dinged every time they update their ToS for new features.Do developers/aggregators need or deserve rights?
What about me? Lead into Ingress discussion.A browser plugin for the game Ingress by NianticLabs@Google
Ingress is not a game, but a social experiment; an attempt to persuade nerds to go outside and appreciate art. Source: @lukasvermeer Ingress: Foursquare With Space Noises. Source: XKCD "Location" image alt-text
I'm not going to stop using it, and I'd love to see Google try to stop me. Forked the github repository, created a branch at the last point before all the deletions. One would think they've heard of the Streisand effect. Don't tell me what I can't do. It's our data. We generated it with our actions. nethershaw via Reddit I'd be quite satisfied if they'd stop shutting down useful tools which use the data already there. Karunamon via Reddit
Question that all of you are asking is why, and that is very clear to me and it’s stated in the TOS of Ingress... I also mentioned in the first post about IITC that it’s against Ingress TOS. Question on that post was how long will Niantic let the plugin live, and it turns out that answer to that question is until today. Source: decodeingress.me
In addition to the restrictions set out in the Google Terms of Service, unless you have received prior written authorization from Google (or, as applicable, from the provider of particular Content), you shall not: ... (a) copy, translate, modify, or make derivative works of the Products, the Content or any part thereof; ... (d) extract, scrape, or index the Products or Content (including information about users or game play);
Silence sandwiched between vocal minorities.
Should they be required to provide this user generated data?
Make sure to refer to the game as free. Mention that "free" is misleading. The data is the currency.