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On Github chagan / nicar-summary

# Things I saw at NICAR
### All of these links (and more) at [Chrys Wu's site](
# Space Journalism * Propublica discussed [tools for getting satelite images]( * [Landsat-utils]( and [schooner](
# Tiny News Desks * [Mother Jones/INN/CIR]( * Be your own project manager * Lots of checkins * Break down big projects and iterate
# Sensor journalism * [Tacking noise in Lincoln]( * Bored and Brilliant * Can't rely on accuracy, but sign something is going on
# Machine Learning * Dedupe and campaign finance * Categorizing text (sentiment analysis)
# Working with text * [Makdowneyjr]( * [ArchieML](
# Working with code/data * [16 solutions]( and [Do it once]( * [Data smells]( * [Humanizing data viz](