Ruby intro
a quick ruby introduction
César Carruitero / @ccarruitero
Who I am
- César Carruitero - @ccarruitero
- mozillian
- rubyist
- developer/programmer
- ...
"Ruby is designed to make programmers happy" - matz
why likes me?
looks like natural language
everything is an object
ruby community rocks!
some nice things that has ruby
- dynamic typing
- modules
- blocks and lambdas
- nice literals (Strings, Numbers, Boolean, Arrays, Hashes, ...)
- one liners code
things that is good to do/know
- choose a code editor
- learn git (or some other version control)
- don't be afraid to command line
- test your code
- share your code
Ruby intro
a quick ruby introduction
César Carruitero / @ccarruitero