Improving your Workflow with
Let's Talk Tools
- Improve Productivity
- Eliminate Repetitive Tasks
- Make the World a Better Place
Tools are great, right?
What Other Really Smart Devs Think
"What the hell happened to hacking?"
-Smart Lightning Talk Guy
"Tools are ready to make the jump to hyperspace"
The Problem
- Tools should Do One Thing Welltm
- Learn All the Things
- Connecting them is non-obvious
Boilerplate/Seed Projects
- AngularJS + Grunt + Bootstrap
- Backbone + Foundation + Handlebars
- Ember.js + Coffeescript + H5BP
Clone the repo, hack away!
The Problem with Boilerplates
Chrome Extension, Cordova, FirefoxOS
CoffeeScript, TypeScript
JS Frameworks
Angular, Backbone, Ember, Knockout
JS Modules/Loaders
ES6, AMD, CommonJS, Require.js
CSS Preprocessors
SASS, Stylus, LESS
CSS Frameworks
Boostrap, Foundation
Build Systems
Make, Grunt, Browserify
The Problem with Boilerplates
O(2n) Different Boilerplates = Maintenance Nightmare
Enter Yeoman
Yeoman is tool glue for hackers*
* developers who want to get stuff done
- Bower
- Grunt
- Libs/Frameworks
- Testing
Package manager for the web:
JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Configurable Automation Tool:
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap
- Backbone.js
- Ember.js
- jQuery
- Underscore
And many more...
Inspired by Rails
- Scaffold an app
- Files (index.html, app.js)
- Metafiles (package.json, bower.json)
- Dependencies (via Bower)
- Build script (via Grunt)
- Test runner
- Add to the scaffold as you hack
Pick Your Own Adventure Story
Write your own!
- Built on Node.js
- Published on npm
- Try `npm search generator-`
Watch files:
- Reload browser on save
- Lint on save
- Test on save
Lessons Learned
- Horizontal Architecture
- Conventions are cool
- Modularity
What's Next?
Support Other Things
What's Next?
Full Stack
- Generate Offline Model Code
- Sync with Database
- ?
- couchdb / pouchdb ?
- [your fav db here] ?
Yeoman Summary
- Combines tools
- Not perfect
- More Generators
- Feedback plz