A rite of passage.
makes HN caremad
(ƒ fac 0 → 1 n → (* n (fac (- n 1))))
(ƒ map f () → () f (head . tail) → (cons (f head) (map f tail)))
as long as it's Clojure.
by Mark Engelberg
parsers for the people
just EBNF
or parser combinators
strings, numbers, booleans
cons cells
cons, car, cdr
cond, eq, atom
lambda, label, quote
primitive types evaluate to...
symbols evaluate to...
their bound values
functions evaluate to...
their results
program, environment in
result, environment out
gonna moan
A function's outer scope is the code around it, not where it's invoked from.
run* that shit
cons, car, cdr
cond, eq, atom
lambda, label, quote
shout if you like Robin Milner
The hardest problem in computer science:
steal some person's name
not somebody still alive
use a CS concept
take popular lang, add "Script"
take letter, increment
pick your favourite pony
Whatever you do, just don't name it after yourself.
the world needs moar toy lisps