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On Github bensmithett / going-isomorphic-with-react

Going Isomorphic with React


Isomorphic JavaScript

Isomorphic JavaScript

Shared JavaScript that runs on both the client & server

"Holy Grail" web app

  • On first page load, serve real server-rendered HTML
  • Client-side JS app bootstraps on top of server-rendered HTML
    • rather than bootstrapping into an empty div
  • From that point on, it's a client-side JS app


A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

The V in MVC

This is a React component:

var HiButton = React.createClass({
  handleClick: function () {
    alert("hi " + this.props.name);
  render: function () {
    return (
      <button onClick={this.handleClick}>
        Say hi
React.renderComponent(<HiButton name="Ben" />, document.body);

React.renderComponentToString(<HiButton name="Ben" />);

returns this string...

<button data-reactid=".1" data-react-checksum="762252829">
  Say hi

React component + ability to run JS


Ability to render a React component to a HTML string

We can run JS on servers now...

... so we can render React components on the server!

The End...?

Let's talk about Views

Let's talk about server-rendered Views

React is a pretty great option for server-rendered views.

Client-rendered view (Backbone) Handlebars template | | Server-rendered view (Rails) ERB template

ERB template:

What is a template?

We give a template some data It gives us back a string

Templates are just functions.

Early on they were big, ugly, complicated functions:

Source: W3Schools

We reacted to unmaintainable spaghetti templates

"no logic in templates!"

But we wanted a little bit of flexibility...

"no business logic in templates!"

(but the occasional loop or conditional is ok...)

Sometimes we need to do string manipulation, or sorting...

"view logic belongs in ViewModels, not templates!"

(except loops & conditionals, which are still arbitrarily allowed in templates)

Current state of play for server-rendered views:

  • Mostly logic-less template, but loops & conditionals are allowed
  • Template logic written in the same language as other server code
  • ViewModel/Presenter handles more complex logic
  • Different files

A better server-rendered View: React components

So using React for server-side templates is awesome

Meanwhile, back in 2014...

client-side JS is a bit of a thing

Client-rendered view Handlebars template | | Server-rendered view ERB template
Client-rendered view React component | | Server-rendered view React component

Isomorphic JavaScript!


  <%= React.renderComponentToString(<UserProfileView />); %>


React.renderComponent(<UserProfileView />, document.body);

When browser-React encounters HTML rendered by server-React, it just adds event listeners.

Same component file used on client & server!

But what if my back end isn't node.js?

How can I do this in Rails/PHP/.NET/whatever?

View rendering as a service

Your app might already talks to other services over HTTP

  • Search
  • Authentication
  • Third party APIs



Bonus! Free progressive enhancement!

  • You can render a view on the server based on application state at any point in time.

  • If something goes wrong in the browser, no worries! Submit a form, click a link...

  • The server will render the app in exactly the same state as the client JS would have.

live demo time...



We're hiring awesome developers!


Server-rendered React components in Rails

React server-rendering examples

Airbnb post introducing Rendr