Variety expansion & Romer models
Ana Arrabal Ortiz
TISEM, Tilburg University
- Inability of the AK model to produce a convingin model of long term growth and convergence.
- Endogenous growht theory: Innovation-based models.
- No demand for leisure so they offer L inelastically.
- Utilitiy function:
\[u(c)= c^{1-\epsilon}/(1-\epsilon)\]
- Total amount of final good used in producing intermediate products:
\[X_{t} = \int_{0}^{M_{t}} X_{i} di\]
(x=xi for all i).
- Alternative assumption of the Romer Model with Labour as R&D Input:
- L can be used in manufacturing the final good (\(L_{1}\));
- L can be used in research (\(L_{2}\)).
\(L= L_{1}+ L_{2}\)
Product-Variety model (I)
- Each intermediate good producer is a monopolist for the product.
- Mazimizing the flow of profit at each date.
- Equilibrium profit:
- \[\pi= ((1-\alpha)/\alpha) L\alpha^{2/(1-\alpha)}\]
Product-Variety model (II)
- Because \(x=xi\) for all i then, \(x=X_{t}/M_{t}\) and using \(M_{t}x\) the final good output and GDP will both be proportional to the degree of product variety:
\[Y_{t} = M_{t}(L^{1-\alpha}x^{\alpha}-x)\] - Growth rate:
\[g=(1/\epsilon) (\lambda (1-\alpha/\alpha L\alpha^{2/1-\alpha}-\rho)\]
Romer model(I)
- Each intermediate good producer is a monopolist for the product.
- Mazimizing the flow of profit at each date.
- Equilibrium profit:
- \(\pi =((1-\alpha)/\alpha) L_{1}\alpha^{2/(1-\alpha)}\)
- If profits increase, the prospect of these rents will motivate research activities aimed at discovering new varieties.
Romer Model (II)
- the final good output and GDP will both also be proportional to the degree of product variety:
\(g = M = \lambda L_{2}\) so we have \(r=(L-g)\) \[g = (\lambda\alpha L-\rho)/(\alpha+\epsilon)\]
Final results(I)
- We obtain similar conclusions for both models.
- Growth increases with:
- Productivity of research activities and the size of the economy.
- The equilibrium growth rate is always less than the social optimum.
Final results (II)
- Intermediate firmsdo not internalize their contribution to the division of labour;
- Researchers do not internalize research spill overs;
- Ideas are non-rival and exclusive "goods".
Variety expansion & Romer models
Ana Arrabal Ortiz
TISEM, Tilburg University