(disclaimer: this assumes OSX. commands should translate easily to windows and linux.)
An Heroku account is suggested.
cd to your "projects" directory
run hubot -c airbot to generate a boilerplate
cd airbot
npm install
run bin/hubot
type hubot ping and hit enter
introMessage = (user) -> if user?.name? and user?.hobby? "hello, I am #{response.name}, " + "a #{response.hobby}ist." else message = "Please tell me more about yourself." message me = name: "Jack" hobby: "Hubot curation" console.log introMessage(me) #hello, I am Jack, a Hubot curationist
goodbyes = [ "Bye, {name}.", "Later, {name}.", "Take care, {name}." ] goodbye = (name) -> index = parseInt(Math.random() * goodbyes.length) message = goodbyes[index] message.replace(/{name}/, name); module.exports = (robot) -> robot.hear /(bye|later),?\s(.*)/i, (msg) -> if robot.name.toLowerCase() == msg.match[2].toLowerCase() byeMessage = goodbye(msg.message.user.name) msg.send(byeMessage)
run bin/hubot again
say goodbye Hubot
say later, Hubot
See? Regexes ARE fun!
hubot will automatically download and keep up-to-date any hubot-scripts you add
copy the dependencies from the hubot-script into your package.json
an example from clark.coffee:
# Description: # None # # Dependencies: # "clark": "0.0.5" # # Configuration: # None # # Commands: # hubot clark <data> - build sparklines out of data # # Author: # ajacksified
Towards the bottom of package.json:
{ /* ... snip ... */ "dependencies": { "hubot": "2.6.1", "hubot-scripts": "2.5.1", "optparse": "1.0.4", "underscore": "1.4.4", "clark": "0.0.6" } }
edit hubot-scripts.json
add "clark.coffee"
run bin/hubot
say hubot clark 1 2 3 4 5
simple storage through hubot.brain
overloaded by redis-brain, mongo-brain, etc.
(you can find these in hubot-scripts or write your own)
You can save any arbitrary data in the brain.
# you may want to wait until the brain has been initialized # and there is a database connection robot.brain.on 'loaded', -> robot.brain.lastAccessed = new Date() robot.brain.seagulls = 12 robot.brain.flowers = { pansies: true, daffodils: false } # hubot brain runs on events robot.brain.emit 'save'
querystring = require('querystring') module.exports = (robot) -> robot.router.get "/hubot/say", (req, res) -> query = querystring.parse(req._parsedUrl.query) message = query.message user = {} user.room = query.room if query.room robot.send(user, message) res.end "said #{message}"
edit package.json to include"querystring": ">= 0.1.0" in the dependencies
run npm install to install the new dependency
run bin/hubot
visit localhost:8080/say?message=hello
99 times out of 100, you'll probably just deploy to Heroku
hubot -c created a Heroku Procfile for you
run Heroku create
deploy with git push heroku master
start with heroku ps:scale web=1
(you'll only have to run ps:scale this the first time)
Hubot ships with a Campfire adapter. You can get more from hubot-scripts.
Assuming Heroku deployment, run
(replacing rooms with actual room ids from Campfire)