On Github adambutler / corona-presentation
Created by Adam Butler / github.com/adambutler
Corona is a SDK for developing mobile apps for iOS and Android
It's built on the language Lua
_w = display.contentWidth; _h = display.contentHeight; function hex2rgb(hex) local r = hex:sub(1, 2) local g = hex:sub(3, 4) local b = hex:sub(5, 6) return tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16) end local line1 = display.newText("Hello", _w/2, (_h/2) - 24, 24) local line2 = display.newText("World", _w/2, (_h/2) + 24, 24) line1:setTextColor(255,0,0) line2:setTextColor('#bada55')
It runs on OSX and Windows