Think a Git
Slides by Alejandro Carrau
- Questions between the talk
quizas mejor no.. para que sea mas como un cuento
A Distributed VCS
Linus Torvalds:
"If you're not..
Consistent're not worth using"
- Linux Torvalds talk in 2007 in Google
- Previously Linux dev based on Mail patches
- TODO: 2002? moved to Bitkeeper.
- Reverse engineered he designed Git
- Distributed:
- Performant
- Consistent
- Make sure what I put in is exactly what I get out
So.. Git is basically a Graph manipulation tool..
among other things.
- A graph is a collection of nodes and arcs (aristas(
- The nodes are states and the edges ways to get from state to the other
Seven Bridges of Königsberg
File by Bogdan Giuşcă licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
File by Booyabazooka licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- Graph example
- You want to go through all bridges and return to the same spot without crossing a bridge twice.
- Euler in XVIII c. realized this map could be represented by a graph
- The solution is that you need to have a pair number of bridges going in and out from all nodes.
Think a Git
Slides by Alejandro Carrau
Questions between the talk