Pageviews and Social Media Activity for each article
Predicting pageviews
Sum all the pageviews for 7 days on the site
Use promotional features and article metadata to predict this number
Random Forests (the mode of a bunch of decision trees)
Variable importance
Time on all section fronts
Number of unique section fronts
Was the article in the paper?
Number of NYT-Twitter followers reached
Time on homepage
Number of NYT-tweets
Is the article from Reuters?
Is the article from the AP?
Max rank on homepage
Word count
So what?
Placing promotional data alongside pageviews gives us a better understanding of what the metric actually means.
(NYT) Pageviews are actually fairly predictable (90% of the variance explained in my model)
Incorporating this approach in your Newsroom should be fairly painless with particle. However, you should first ask yourself what you're optimizing for.
Predictive analytics can help increase your editorial responsiveness to the reader's preferences, the news cycle -