Pageviews and Social Media Activity for each article
Predicting pageviews
Sum all the pageviews for 7 days on the site
Use promotional features and article metadata to predict this number
Random Forests (the mode of a bunch of decision trees)
Variable importance
Time on all section fronts
Number of unique section fronts
Was the article in the paper?
Number of NYT-Twitter followers reached
Time on homepage
Number of NYT-tweets
Is the article from Reuters?
Is the article from the AP?
Max rank on homepage
Word count
So what?
Placing promotional data alongside pageviews gives us a better understanding of what the metric actually means.
(NYT) Pageviews are actually fairly predictable (90% of the variance explained in my model)
Incorporating this approach in your Newsroom should be fairly painless with particle. However, you should first ask yourself what you're optimizing for.