On Github Szczyp / functional-programming
Created by szczyp and bpr
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Tell the machine how to do a thing
var list = new List<int>(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i % 2 == 0) list.Add(i); }
Tell the machine what to do
var list = Enumerable.Range(0, 9).Where(i => i % 2 == 0).ToList();
abstract class BankAccount { protected decimal balance; public abstract decimal CurrentBalance { get; } public BankAccount (decimal balance) { this.balance = balance; } }
class Current : BankAccount { public decimal CurrentBalance { get { return balance; } } public Current (decimal balance) : base(balance) { } }
class TimeDeposit : BankAccount { float rate; DateTime term; public TimeDeposit(decimal balance, float rate, DateTime term) : base(balance) { this.rate = rate; this.term = term; } public decimal CurrentBalance { get { if (DateTime.Now > term) return balance + balance * rate; else return balance; } } }
type BankAccount = Current of decimal | TimeDeposit of balance:decimal * rate:float * term:DateTime
type Email = string
type Coords = float * float
type ContactInfo = { Name : string; Location : Coords; Email : Email }
type Contact = Active of ContactInfo | Inactive of ContactInfo * DateTime
let currentBalance = function Current b -> b | TimeDeposit(b,r,t) -> if DateTime.Now > t then b + b * r else b
let currentBalance acc = match acc with Current b -> b | TimeDeposit(b,r,t) -> if DateTime.Now > t then b + b * r else b
class CallDeposit : BankAccount { float rate; public CallDeposit(decimal balance, float rate) : base(balance) { this.rate = rate; } public decimal CurrentBalance { get { return balance + balance * rate; } } }
type BankAccount = Current of decimal | TimeDeposit of balance:decimal * rate:float * term:DateTime | CallDeposit of balance:decimal * rate:float
let currentBalance = function Current b -> b | TimeDeposit(b,r,t) -> if DateTime.Now > t then b + b * r else b | CallDeposit (b, r) -> b + b * r
// BankAccount public abstract void Withdraw(decimal amount); // Current public void Withdraw(decimal amount) { balance -= amount; } // TimeDeposit public void Withdraw(decimal amount) { if (DateTime.Now > term) balance -= amount; } // CallDeposit public void Withdraw(decimal amount) { if(amount <= balance) balance -= amount; }
let withdraw a = function Current b -> Current(b-a) | TimeDeposit(b,r,t) as td -> if DateTime.Now > t then TimeDeposit(b-a,r,t) else td | CallDeposit(b,r) as cd -> if a <= b then CallDeposit(b-a,r) else cd